Discover how you can create more kindness, empathy, and understanding of others in your community!

I keep reading and hearing about people wanting to create more kindness, empathy, and understanding of others in their communities. Each time I am reminded of why I wrote Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift in 1997.

I wrote my “Community Parable”  because children rarely are offered opportunities to identify their own personality traits and talents. Children generally establish their self-image and feel validation by what is said about them or how others behave toward them. Therefore, it is critical for children to develop a healthy understanding of their character to improve their self-image, deal with bully behavior, and handle the challenges in their life. Reading Princess Shayna offers children the opportunity to discover their personality type and their Praiseworthy Gifts.

My Brain Color fairy tale takes place in the Kingdom of Kindness where: “Visitors came from distant lands to experience the cooperative communities within the Kingdom of Kindness. Each village was unique and developed their own expertise, shared their knowledge and skills with one another, and appreciated their different styles of work and family life. The kingdom prospered because the people felt good about themselves and their accomplishments. They recognized their capabilities, valued their worthiness and respected the best in themselves and each other!”

Below are excerpts from Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift that explain each of the four villages in the Kingdom of Kindness, and the villagers’ attributes and abilities, and Brain Colors:

Yellow Brainers/Village of the Yellow Sun Flowers: “Princess Shayna told the villagers… Now, I understand and value your gifts, and believe your most Praiseworthy Gifts are your strong sense of responsibility to yourself and others, your dedication to your work and your capacity to effectively manage your lives…I understand and value the true meaning of loyalty, accountability, preparation and commitment.”

Blue Brainers/Village of the Blue Forget-Me-Nots: “Princess Shayna told the villagers… Now, I understand and value your gifts, and believe your most Praiseworthy Gifts are creating harmonious relationships and your ability to passionately inspire others and care for the people and animals in your lives…I understand and value the true meaning of friendship, compassion, empathy and respect for the land’s natural wonders.”

Green Brainers/Village of the Green Healing Herbs: “Princess Shayna told the villagers… Now, I understand and value your gifts, and I believe your most Praiseworthy Gifts are your persistence for justice, the innovative way your minds process information and your determination to be well-informed…that I understand and value the true meaning of individuality, fairness, problem solving, and seeking knowledge.”

Orange Brainers/Village of the Orange Tiger Lilies : “Princess Shayna told he villagers… I have learned to understand and value your gifts, but I believe your most Praiseworthy Gifts are taking action and living your lives to the fullest… that I understand and value the true meaning of courage, resourcefulness, open-mindedness and the vitality of life.”

I hope this post has help you think about how you can recognize other people’s capabilities, value their worthiness, respect the best in yourself and others, and build your own Kingdom of Kindness!



You can purchase Princess Shayna’s Invivible Visible Gift on Amazon.
Remember: 10% of royalties from the sale of No Bunk will be allocated to JDRF.



Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!



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