Discover How The 4 Brain Color Personalities Will Celebrate A Happy 4th of July!
Hip-Hip-Hooray! Tomorrow is the 4th of July, which is a federal holiday in the United States and celebrates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
To learn more about this eagerly awaited summer celebration, You can enjoy some Fun Facts from the United States Census Bureau, which is part of the United States Department of Commerce.
Our family is eagerly awaiting a day of Orange Brain Fun Activities and an evening of Yellow Brain Patriotic Music performed by the Elgin Symphony . We will enjoy more Orange Brain Fun as we watch a professional fire works display after the concert.
Below are Brain Color Clues to help you understand how each Brain Color likes to enjoy observing and celebrating the holiday.
Yellow Brainers have a plan ready for the day, which probably is the same traditional celebration schedule that they have had for years: Community parade, Bar-B-Q, Community festival or family party, and fireworks.
Blue Brainers look forward to spending the day with their family relaxing and enjoy holiday festivities. They are flexible about the schedule as long as they can spend time with their loved ones.
Green Brainers are eager to have the day off from work and have time alone to do what they want to do. They prefer not to attend crowded July 4th parades, festivals and firework displays. They would rather watch all that or record it on their televisions.
Orange Brainers are excited about the day and/or weekend off of work. They are eager to engage in and enjoy as many holiday activities as possible: parades, parties, community festivals, concerts and firework displays with friends and/or family members.
As you celebrate the 4th of July, I hope you will take a moment to remember all the courageous and dedicated men and women who have served or are serving our country, to safeguard our grand, precious, and joyful gift of FREEDOM!
Wishing you a Happy and Safe 4th of July Celebration!
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Please, remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).
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