Discover Brain Color Personality Tips to Help You and Your children Deal with the Challenges of E-Learning During the Coronavirus!
As an educator, I want share my Brain Color Personality Tips to help you understand how your children learn best; what attributes their teachers or you, as their “stay at home teachers,” teach them, including their school work; and how parents/guardians encourage their children during the Coronavirus and when we eventually live in our new normal!
• E-learning and remote classrooms have become a new challenge for adults who are experiencing their children being home from school because of Coronavirus.
•E-Learning and remote classrooms have become the new normal for our children and grandchildren during the Coronavirus.
• Parents, grandparents, and guardians have now become their children’s teachers and are discovering how challenging and rewarding life is as a classroom teacher!
Below are Students, Teachers, and Parents/Guardians Brain Color Personalities that will help you understand yours and your children’s and your children’s teachers’ Brain Color Personalities.
Students Brain Color Personalities:
Yellow Brain Respectful Students learn best with detailed instructions
Blue Brain Creative Students learn best with teamwork
Green Brain Curious Students learn best with books and computers
Orange Brain Exuberant Student learn best with lots of different activities
Teachers Brain Colors Personalities :
Yellow Brain Committed Teachers teach their students to be responsible
Blue Brain Helpful Teachers teach their students to be collaborative
Green Brain Methodical Teachers teach their students to be good problem solvers
Orange Brain Resourceful Teachers teach their students to take risks
Parents/Guardians Brain Color Personalities:
Yellow Brain Dedicated Parents encourage their children to have excellent manners
Blue Brain Encouraging Parents encourage their children to be flexible
Green Brain Logical Parents encourage their children to ask questions
Orange Brain Spontaneous Parents encourage their children to be adventurous
I trust you will find the Brain Color Tips helpful as you and your children deal with the challenges of E-Learning!
Boost your Brain Power and Discover your Brain Colors!
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