Discover A Simple Secret to Keep Yourself Mentally and Physically Healthy!

Reading the newspaper

I was reading the Health and Fitness section in our Daily Herald Newspaper on Monday morning. The tile on the front page immediately caught my attention.

“Get your hands dirty”

The title of the article ” Getting your hands dirty” spoke to me. I grew up enjoying our gardens with my parents. The question of why gardening is a healthy activity is has two answers: 1. Connecting with nature and 2. is the aesthetic beauty of gardening. I am in complete agreement with both health benefiting answers.

Why do people enjoy gardening?

If you are a gardener you benefit from multisensory experiences. The smell, the touch, the taste, the look, the pleasure of flowers, bushes, trees, and vegetable in my gardens. I also love my pollinator gardens because they also attact the bees, butterflies, and birds to help our climate and my environment!

My polinator gardens

My pollinator gardens attract the bees and butterflies. They also provide seeds for the birds in the spring and fall. During the winter the dead flowers create interesting sculptures in the snow. In the spring, the birds use the dead flower stalks and branches to make their nests. It is a perfect circle of life.

Read the article

The folliwng is the link to the article: Why gardening is good for our emotional health and our social lives – The Washington

Final thought

The Simple Secret is to try your hand at gardening to improve your mental and physical well-being. You can start out with a small garden and add more gardens every year. My new gorgeous tulips that look like peonies are pictured in the photo above. I have a fence around the tulips in my pollinator gardens, to prevent the deer and rabbits from eating my flowers and veggies!

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  1. Suzette Elmzen on May 31, 2024 at 9:28 am

    Playing in the dirt and gardening though it is somewhat hard word has always been my happy place. When I am out in the garden I don;t think of anything else and it is so peaceful

    • sheila on July 8, 2024 at 12:11 pm

      Thank you, Suzette. I totally agee with your “Playing in the dirt.” comment. It is our Blue Brain that enjoys our gardens! Gratefully, Sheila

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