Diabetes, An Actress & A Royal Wizard – Princess Shayna Musical
1st blog entry about the Princess Shayna Musical
This is the 2nd entry about the Princess Shayna Musical.
Thursday is my Yellow Brain scheduled blog post day about diabetes. I thought the message I received from Kim Woycke, the director of the Princess Shayna Musical, would be the perfect blog post.
On February 13th Kim sent me message and said,
“I did cast the production last night, and I wanted to update you on a few details. We have 15 actors that have registered and attended the program so far. I have auditioned them, and we assigned roles on Friday. There are a few characters that I have not assigned… But before I officially decide to make these adjustments, I wanted to check with you. I want to make sure that I am being truthful to your story, while still providing ease for our organization, creation and clarity for the performance. Please let me know if this would be alright with you.”
“Also, I wanted to see how you felt if I changed the gender of Sigmund to a female. We a have a beautiful young actress who will be playing this part, and I think that she would love to make this character a woman. (This student is so excited, as she is diabetic, and I think that having the part that is responsible for creating the cure for Princess Shayna’s sleeping sickness is really exciting for her!)”
When I read the 1st paragraph, I greatly appreciate Kim’s respectful comment… “I want to make sure that I am being truthful to your story, while still providing ease for our organization, creation and clarity for the performance.”
When I read the 2nd paragraph. I wrote Kim and said,
“My Blue Heart was singing and was extremely touched by the comment about Elizabeth wanting to be Sigmund. Yes, of course she can interpret Sigmund as a female. It is most appropriate because Sigmund means: Victory protection. Princess Shayna affectionately calls Sigmund “Sigi” in the manuscript and “Sigi” definitely could be used instead of Sigmund.”
When Kim and I spoke a few days later, she told me that Elizabeth was as thrilled about the opportunity to interpret the Royal Wizard her way, as I was!
Tomorrow afternoon, my husband and I are going to the Trilogy Studio to meet the cast. We are eager to meet the performers and give them more background about their characters, such Jordan being the White Falcon and Sigi being my Uncle Sigmund, who was a 20th century wizard because he was a pharmacist and a physician
Stay tuned… more to come about Princess Shayna’s musical journey!
Sigmund the Royal Wizard says, “Rimiyavyo, if you have discovered something exciting or new in this blog post please subscribe to Sheila’ blog and her BrainBuzz Newsletter. 10% of the royalties from the sale of her book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) .”
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[…] 2. Diabetes, An Actress & A Royal Wizard – Princess Shayna Musical […]
[…] 2. Diabetes, An Actress & A Royal Wizard – Princess Shayna Musical […]
[…] 2. Diabetes, An Actress & A Royal Wizard – Princess Shayna Musical […]
[…] 2. Diabetes, An Actress & A Royal Wizard – Princess Shayna Musical […]
[…] 2. Diabetes, An Actress & A Royal Wizard – Princess Shayna Musical […]