Last week, I discovered the disturbing “Elgin Crisis Center In Crisis” article in the
Daily Herald Newspaper.

The Community Crisis Center in Elgin, Illinois is one of my favorite clients. I have had the privilege of presenting What Color Is Your Brain? Workshops and working with the staff since 1998. I was introduced to the center’s incredible staff by my friend, Maureen Manning-Rosenfeld, MS, LCPC, CDVP, CPAIP, Director of Client Services.

The Community Crisis Center provides services for more than 6,000 battered women and their children, operates an emergency food pantry and has a suicide hotline. It also serves people from Kane County, suburban Cook County, McHenry County and other Fox Valley area municipalities.

Word of the Center’s possible closing has devastated and shocked individuals and encourage encouraged many others to help.

Sarah Evans, the Director of Communications at Elgin Community College, volunteered her time at the Crisis Center one night and raised $31,358.00 by twittering about her experience. As of today, Gretchen Vapnar, Executive Director of the Community Crisis Center, said almost $50,000.00 has been collected.

Gretchen and her staff, along with their sister shelter in Mutual Ground in Aurora, want lawmakers to decide on a budget somehow.

If you are a resident of Illinois please contact your Illinois legislators (Senators and House Representatives) to let them know how important it is for them to allocate money to social service agencies, such as the Community Crisis Center. 

If you are interested in making tax deductible donations call (847)742-4088
or donate on line.

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Please, help to end the Crisis at the Community Crisis Center and
share this information with others!

Sheila N. Glazov, Author and Personality Type Expert who offers workshop, keynote and training programs.
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops.
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) 


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