Conserving Your Brain Color Energy
Drought conditions and the lack of rain is stress the people and farmland in the much of the United States. It has been an unusual summer and my gardens are also suffering from the unusually dry and hot weather.
One of my personal mantras is: “If you are aware, the gift is there. You may not like how it is wrapped or presented to you, but it is a gift.”
Mother nature’s drought has given me a gift of learning how my plants, flowers, vegetables and herbs in my gardens and pots have been conserving energy when they are stressed from this drought. Even with plant food and daily watering, my peony bushes blossomed sparsely; my herbs are scrawny and squatty; and my tomato plants are growing in slow motion mode.
These drought gifts became a metaphor about how individuals conserve their energy when they are stressed. During my What Color Is Your Brain?® Programs, I help attendees understand how knowing their Brain Colors can help them keep their energy up and their stress down.
Below is a list Brain Color Personality and how they become stressed in their workplace and family relationships:
Yellow Brainer’s Stress: Having to manage disorganization
Blue Brainer’s Stress: Lake of cooperation
Green Brainer’s Stress: Dealing with incompetency
Orange Brainer’s Stress: Adhering to someone else’s rules
Below is a list Brain Color Personalities and how they think about conserve energy in their relationships at home or work:
Yellow Brainers Conserve Energy by: Telling others that they need to have detailed information on time to stay organized and not stressed.
Blue Brainers Conserve Energy by: Asking others to listen to what is upsetting them or help them with a problem/project, which is keep their stress elevated.
Green Brain Stress Conserve Energy by: Letting others know, preferable by texting and not talking, that they need quiet time alone to solve a problem and not get stressed out.
Orange Brain Stress Conserve Energy by: Talking with others about their stress, instead of walking out on a situation and/or pouting about what is what is causing the stress.
THINK about how you can use this Brain Color knowledge to keep your energy up and your stress down!
Boost Your Brain Power with links on the right-hand side of the page!
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JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) .
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