Confusing Communication Styles in Your Romantic Relationship

This morning, I had a most enjoyable Brain Color Interview with Matt West at KJFF-AM radio. The interview was taped and will air tomorrow morning March 10th. Listen in at 10:35 am CST.

Matt brought up the issue of husbands and wives and how they relate and communicate with one anther. I explained that often we are romantically drawn to our partner because we admire their personality traits and talents that we do not have or we would like to have. I offered Matt and his listeners my “AAA” solution to amorous dilemmas that dampen successful relationships:
1. Recognize what “Attracted” you to each other.
2. Understand why different idiosyncrasies have become an “Annoyance.”
3. “Accept” your loved one for who they are and what they value,  even if their ideas differ from yours.

Matt shared that his wife often says, “Stop solving the problem and just listen!”
He told me that his instinct is to solve the problem. 

I explained that her “Blue Brain” just wants him to listen and his “Green Brain” wants to find a solution to her problem.”

After the interview, I chatting with a friend who told me that her husband was driving her crazy. His decision making style makes her feel like she is strapped into the lead car on a high speed roller coast ride.

She speaks “Fluent Brain Color” and told me that his “Yellow Brain” tells her what she should do and then a few weeks later his “Orange Brain” tells her not to worry  or pay attention to what he preciously said. We both agreed that she is aggravated by his communication style, which I describe as “Color-filled Confusion”!

It is critical recognize and understand
the confusing communication styles
in your romantic relationship…

to keep the spark that ignited
your positive attraction
from fizzling into a negative reaction
or a disastrous explosion!

Sheila N. Glazov
, Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
Take a Brain Color Quiz, and learn about my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops  
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)

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  1. karen hanrahan on March 10, 2010 at 12:43 am

    i think anyone can go back to the time they met someone they loved and still find the affection/or draw that drew them together – great reminder

  2. Sheila Glazov Author Speaker on March 10, 2010 at 10:13 pm

    Thanks. You reminded me that every once and awhile we all need a “great reminder” about  our personal and professional relationships too.

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