Colorful Garden Photography
This morning, I attended an engaging and educational garden photography class at my favorite garden store, Hawthorn Gardens, in Hawthorn Woods, Illinois.
The class was offered by photographer Lou Nettelhorst, owner of CloseupPhotographs, Inc. Lou also offers classes at College of Lake County, located in Grayslake, Illinois and in Sister Bay,Wisconsin (Door County) in the spring and fall.
The College of Lake County is
located in Grayslake and has satelite campuses around Lake County. I offer a
Photo Workshop in Door County (Sister Bay) WI in the spring and fall.
The class encouraged me about, as Lou says, “making” instead of “taking” more photographs. Lou offered the workshop attendees a well organized “Yellow Brain” handout sheet entitled 10 Tips To improve Your Photography and which also contained a smaller Tip Sheet that could be laminated and kept in a camera case.
Lou’s 4 Most Important Tips: Lighting, Backgrounds, Subjects and Edges.
I appreciated Lou’s “Blue Brain” helpfulness and talent!
I’m looking forward to making more interesting and impactful photos.
The class reminded me to post my “untrained” photos of my irresistibly gorgeous irises. I captured the colorful blossoms last May. Jordan and I had purchased our irises at Hornbaker Gardens, three years ago, when we attended their annual Iris Show. We purchased the irises for their Yellow, Blue and Orange “Brain Color” and purple “Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift” shades.
After taking Lou’s class I critiqued my photos. I realized that I definitely need to improve my photographic techniques and implement what I learned from Lou’s class. However, I think the blossoms are spectacular!
Enjoy Scrolling Through My Iris Garden…
Sheila N. Glazov ~ Author ~ Speaker ~ Educator ~ Personality Expert
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops. 10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JFRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) JFRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
sheila glazov author speaker educator personality type expert brain colors princess shayna’s invisible visible gift juvenile diabetes reserach foundation hawthorn gardens closeupphotographs Turbo Tagger
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