Children’s Musical Premier For Bully Prevention Month Was A Grand Success!!
“Rimsiyavo!” The Invisible Visible Gift musical premier was a GRAND SUCCESS!! It was so thrilling to see Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift adapted so beautifully! The recognition of bully behavior and appreciation of the Yellow Brain, Blue Brain, Green Brain, and Orange Brain attributes of the villagers in the Kingdom of Kindness was superbly performed!
Chuck Bennett, a.k.a “Mr. Malcolm”, produced and directed a remarkable performance, with the skillful assistance of John Smitherman, the producing artistic director of the Broadway Theatre, and the outrageously talented cast of actors!
Jordan and I arrived at the theatre last Wednesday night to see the 1st rehearsal. We were pleasantly surprised by the changes that had been made to the script and the cast.
At 8:00 am Thursday morning, before the 10:00 am performance, we excitedly watched the dress rehearsal. Then at 10:00 am the school children, teachers, cast members’ families, and the the entire staff of the South Jersery Chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) arrived to watch the performance! I loved meeting and chatting with everyone in attendance. Mr. Malcolm and the cast put on a fantastic performance that engaged all the children and adults.
On Friday morning, our dearest friends, Michelle and John Bracken, joined Jordan and me for the performance (we are standing together under the marque in the picture). Michelle had contributed so much of her talent and time to Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift and the new Teacher’s Activity Guide for Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift that she was overwhelmed with emotion, as I was! Especially, when Princess Shayna and White Falcon sing their song about friendship, which included “I love you more than tongue can tell!”, which was an endearing expression of Michelle’s mother.
Friday’s performance was attended by more school children, teachers, cast members’ families, staff members from SLACK Inc. (the publishers of my books), and parents and children who are active members of the South Jersesy Chapter of JDRF and deal with the challenges of T1D (Type 1 Diabetes) every day; just a Princess Shayna does in the fairytale. Again, I loved meeting and chatting with many of the audience members before the performance!
After spectacular performance that engaged the children and adults, the cast and I enjoyed taking pictures, signing autographs, and accepting flowers and celebrating at the cast party Jordan and I hosted.
The premier experience was exhilarating and memorable! I am most grateful to everyone who made my long awaited dream a reality! Now the cast and I are looking forward to the April 3 & 4, 2014 performances!
I will be posting pictures of the performance as soon I am able to review my pictures and the pictures other people took and promised to send to me.
Princess Shayna says, “Boost your Brain Power with links in the right-hand side column of this page!”
Please remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).
Please Spread the Word

Sheila — Your influence in the world is Positive, Uplifting, Constructive, and Healing. I’m so glad I know you!
Laurie, thank you for your Blue Thoughtful Comment and Compliments, which made my Blue Heart Smile!