Characters Come to Life with Costumes – Princess Shayna Musical
Last Week’s Post: 13. Polishing the Play, Cast Tee Shirts & A White Falcon – Princess Shayna Musical
Final count down…Only 3 more days until the Princess Shayna Musical performance! You can read the Princess Shayna Musical Announcement on my website for more details!
I can hardly believe this is the 14th journal entry/blog post from the multi-talented, skillful and encouraging director, Kim Woycke before the premier performance this Sunday!
Kim, the cast and I are now sing a new rendition to the holiday song “It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas”. Our rendition is: “It beginning to feel a lot like Show Time!”
Below is Kim’s journal about last Friday’s 1st dress rehearsal.
“It’s really starting to feel like show time now. We had our first dress rehearsal at Trilogy this week, and I have to say I am extremely excited for the production!
First of all, the costumes all look amazing. It really added an entire dimension to the show! Each village is so bright with their colors, and the characters really come to life with their costumes.
I am thrilled to say that we did a complete run-through of the show, and it is really feeling like a musical. The cast has obviously worked very hard, and I was very impressed with a few of the actors who stood out with fabulous memorization and bold character choices. Our cast still has some work to do with memorizing their lines, but in general they have really done a great job.
In addition to rehearsal this week, I also was able to meet and take a tour of Middle School North’s theater space. Wow! What a beautiful space. I am new to Lake Zurich, so this was my first experience at this theater. The students in this district are very fortunate to have such wonderful arts facilities. During my tour I was able to figure out our sound and light needs, as well as begin to plan out our scene changes and scenery requirements.
I am definitely looking forward to this weekend. I am so proud of the cast and what they have accomplished and I can’t wait for them to have the opportunity to show off their hard work.”
Below are the 12 previous blog post that will guide you through the Princess Shayna Musical production process. You can also read more information on Princess Shayna’s Pages on my website.
12.Tongue Twisters, Memorizing Lines & Interpreting Dialogue – Princess Shayna Musical
11.”Kvelling” Bursting with Joy – Princess Shayna Musical
10. Actors Create Village Scenes, Songs, Choreography and Walls – Princess Shayna Musical
9. Singing Visit to the Brain Color Villages – Princess Shayna Musical
8. Characters’ Back-Story & Staging Scenes – Princess Shayna Musical
7. Young Song Writers Compose Original Music & Lyrics – Princess Shayna Musical
6. Building A Strong Collaborative Community – Princess Shayna Musical
5. Students Plan, Compose & Connect Emotions to Music & Lyrics – Princess Shayna Musical
4. Students Create Their Own Kingdom of Kindness – Princess Shayna Musical
3. Auditions, Rehearsal, Casting & Music – Princess Shayna Musical
2. Diabetes, An Actress & A Royal Wizard – Princess Shayna Musical
1. Princess Shayna – A New & Original Children’s Musical
Sigmund the Royal Wizard says, “Rimsiyavyo, Discover 5 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power…
Scroll up to the right-hand column on this page and Click on #1. to like Sheila’s Facebook Page.
Don’t forget, 10% of the royalties from the sale of Sheila’s books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) .”
Please Spread the Word

I can feel the excitement all the way over here!!
Thank you for sharing my excitment, Karen! I am sure you could feel my elation on Sunday afternoon, all the way to your home and back to Lake Zurich!! 🙂
[…] Last Week’s Post: 14. Characters Come To Life With Costumes – Princess Shayna Musical […]