Ebook Publishing Research & Suggestions

In my February 6th blog post, I wrote about my decision to commit the month of February to writing the Teacher & Parent Activity Guide for Princess Shayn’s Invisible Visible Gift . This supplement/accompaniment to Princess Shayna will be in an Ebook format. This week, I began my fascinating and frustrating Green “Techie” Brain investigation for Ebook formatting methods, compilers and/or publishing software. Princess Shayna…

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Sheila Glazov’s YouTube Channel

Apologies for not posting recently… my “Green Brain” has been on a YouTube Video Production Marathon, again.  Check out the new videos on my YouTube Channel. Now, back to the “Green” revisions for my Women in Ecommerce article. Cheers, Sheila Please Spread the Word

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Solution For Erratic Mouse Problems

Hurrah! I found a solution for my erratic mouse problem. I was so frustrated with iYogi, Microsoft and Logitech; I decided to take matters and my erratic mouse into my own “Problem Solving Green Brain ” and find the solution myself! Was I pleasantly surprised when I discovered a simple solution. If you ever need…

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Roxio Video Editing

My apologies for not posting in the last few weeks.  As you know from previous posts, I have been attempting to enhance my “Green Technical Brain, I have installed Microsoft Office 2010 and Windows 7 and learning all the new benefits of PowerPoint 2010 for my What Color Is Your Brain? Workshop presentations. Two week…

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