Unique Book for Children with Type 1 Diabetes Now In JDRF Bag of Hope!

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. Today, my Orange Brain Excited and my Yellow Brain is Honored to announce that Purr-fect Pals: A Kid, A Cat & Diabetes, which is my unique picture, activity, and resource book for children and their families who live with the challenges of diabetes, is now part of the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)…

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Everyone Needs a Purr-fect Pal They Can Count On!

Everyone Needs a Purr-fect Pal They Can Count On!

Everyone needs a “Purr-fect Pal” they can count on in their lives. That “Purr-fect Pal” may be an adult, child, or a pet who seems to know how you feel and when you need comfort and understanding! A Yellow Brain “Purr-fect Pal” is Always Dependable. A Blue Brain “Purr-fect Pal” is a Sincere Listener. A Green Brain “Purr-fect…

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“Purr-fect Pals: A Kid, A Cat & Diabetes” A Unique Children’s Book Is Now Available on Amazon

November is Diabetes Awareness Month and November 14th is International Diabetes Day! Earlier this morning, my Orange Brain Excitedly announced the publication and availability of Purr-fect Pals: A Kid, A Cat & Diabetes, which is  my new, unique picture, activity, and resource book for children and their families who live with the challenges of diabetes!…

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Let’s Change Type 1 Diabetes to Type None!

I just changed the avatar on my What Color Is Your Brain? Sheila Glazov Facebook Page on my Sheila Glazov Personal Facebook Page to show my support for National Diabetes Awareness Month for humans and pets and World Diabetes Day November on November 14th. I plan on keeping the diabetes avatar on my Facebook Pages…

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