No Bunk
Announcing My New Business Book: “No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense)”
I am delighted to announce my new business book that is entitled: No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense): 50 Timely and Timeless Truths Business School Cannot Teach You! No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is not a Band-Aid for your business problems. No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is a blueprint to achieve and…
Read moreLearn How to Build Your Success with Familial Relationships!
You can easily use the recognizable metaphor of a family to emphasize the importance of each family member helping to successfully build your relationships. I am including the following Meet the Success Family story in my new family business memoir. It is a perfect example for the chapter, which is entitled: Achieving and Maintaining Success. Let me…
Read moreWriting A Family Business Memoir!
My Orange Brain is excited to give you a clue to the title of my new family business memoir, which fits into the “Profiles in Business” bookstore category. The clue is: No Bunk. In other words, No Nonsense. This writing project is incorporating and utilizing all my Brain Colors: My Yellow Brain Organizational skills to place…
Read moreDo You Have A Timely and Timeless Mission Statement?
A Mission Statement according to The The Business Dictionary is as follows: A written declaration of an organization’s core purpose and focus that normally remains unchanged over time. When people develop a business plan, one of their Yellow Brain Tasks in the planning process is to create their Mission Statement, which is a Green Brain Logical statement that…
Read moreAchieve Your Goal With Teamwork – No Bunk
I found this 1960’s Dennis the Menace poster in the cafeteria of my father’s business. It demonstrates a message that is applicable today, as it was over 40 years ago. Teamwork is achieved with all the attributes and abilities of each Brain Color. Yellow Team Members: Organize the team’s ideas into a detailed plan Blue…
Read moreDo You Crow Like Rooster? – No Bunk
Today, I my Green Brain was focused on writing my monthly BrainBuzz Newsletter. I included an article explaining my new No Nonsense – No Bunk Blog Post Series. I was thinking about an example of the No Bunk wisdom and business sense for my post, when one of my favorite quotes, which I had recently…
Read moreTest of Time Mission Statement – No Bunk
Today’s post is the 2nd of my new “No Bunk” (no nonsense) business series. Each post will come from the collection of HI-LITER Newsletters from the Lab-Line Instruments, Inc., the laboratory instrument business my father and mother founded in 1952. You can read the genesis of “No Bunk” in the June 25th Blog Post. When…
Read morePower Off and Power UP – It’s “No Bunk”!
Our power was off yesterday. No electricity from 5:30AM until 7:00PM! Of course, our well wasn’t pump was not working, but we always have a supply of very large and small bottle of water for drinking and hygiene. It was 98 degrees outside. However my office was cool and comfortable. I looked at this Power…
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