My Author’s Point of View
Discover Why Author Must Write Picture Book for Children with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
I have not written a blog post in 19 days, but it was not because I did not want to write. My absence was due to my Green Brain was reviews and revising What Color Is Your Brain? When Caring for Patients, my Blue Brain was celebrating the Jewish New Year of 7557 with my…
Read moreIs It Difficult for You to Say “No”?
An experience today, reminded me that many people find it difficult to say “No” to other people’s requests. They do not realize that it is OK for them to say “No”, nor do they know how to say “No” without feeling badly, hurting another person’s feeling or disappointing that individual. Many years ago, my Blue…
Read moreBe Inspired… Believe “It Can Be Done!”
Today, I want to share one of my favorite poems, which our Girls Summer Camp Direct, Miss Minnie A. Cohen, often read to the campers during our Mac-Do Lodge awards campfires, on Sunday evenings. This poem has inspired me, my family members, friends, and clients for many years. Recently, this poem resonated with my husband…
Read morePlay for Peace or Peace At Any Price
Whenever we read a newspaper, watch TV, or log on to a computer we are bombarded with horrific, violent, and distressing stories from around the world and in our own communities. My Blue Brain is deeply disturbed by these stories. A few weeks ago I was speaking with John Guarrine, a Blue Brain long-time colleague,…
Read moreExtraordinary Customer Service and Satisfaction from Amazon’s Author Central!
WOW! It’s happened again! Yesterday, I experienced Extraordinary Customer Service and Satisfaction from Amazon Central!! I am writing this long post (saga) for my readers, fellow authors, the Author Central staff members, and for Jeff Bezos and his staff, who supposedly read emails that are sent to them. I will be sending another email to…
Read moreWhat is the connection between a children’s musical and a book for health care professionals?
If you wondering what the the connection is between a children’s musical and a book for health care professionals, the answer is easy! An Orange Brain Excited Author! Yes, I am delighted and thrilled that The Invisible Visible Gift Musical will be performed this week at the Broadway Theatre in Pitman, New Jersey, near Philadelphia.…
Read moreYour Personality Type Can Influence What You Are Thankful For
Last week, I published my January BrainBuzz Newsletter and I included my New Year’s affirmation for the new business year. For 2014, I received my affirmation as a gift from one of my favorite Yoga instructors at the Silver Lotus Yoga Studio. Erinn Hughs always begins our Yoga practice by reading a Blue Brain Inspirational…
Read more7 Cold Weather Stress and Safety Tips from OSHA
I hope everyone enjoyed a joyful Holiday Season and New Year Celebration! Best Wishes for a grand 2014! The New Year in much of the United States has experience frigid temperatures. The below zero weather and snow in the Chicagoland area has closed schools, strangled traffic, and curtailed hours of operation for businesses. To my…
Read moreIt’s Not The End Of The Road!
Yesterday, after the What Color Is Your Brain? Team Building Program for staff at the Community Crisis Center in Elgin, Illinois, Ruth, one of the attendees, handed me a short poem that she felt complemented a poem I had used during the program. I shared my friend Jewel Manzay’s anonymous poem Three Men and adapted…
Read moreI know something good about the Community Crisis Center
I am preparing a Team Building Program for staff at the Community Crisis Center in Elgin, Illinois. I have been working the amazing staff since 2000. It always is a pleasure and a privilege to share my Brain Color approach with the staff to help improve their understanding of each other and the woman, children,…
Read moreA Poem To Bring You Comfort When Your Beloved Pet Has Died
Recently, Brenda, who is one of my Facebook Friends, posted that her beloved dog Chloe had died. My Blue Heart understood Brenda’s terrible loss of a four legged, fur-covered family member. When Golde My Dear, our Golden-Newfoundland- Labrador mix, died our veterinarian, Dr. Raymond Hinkle sent me The Rainbow Bridge Poem. It comforted my broken…
Read moreI Am Brain Color Hooker – Who Is Hooked On Crochet!
Senior Citizens are always encouraged to learn something new to keep their brain power and abilities strong and healthy. This past Spring, after my 68th birthday, I told my husband I wanted to learn how to crochet, again. I had crocheted with my maternal grandmother when I was a little girl. However, I never had…
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