My Author’s Point of View
Don’t be Afraid or Embarrassed to Ask for Help!
My Orange Brain has learned to not be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help, especially when it is time to pay my Illinois State Sales Tax for my books. My dyslexia has always caused a struggle for my Green Brain when I have to deal with numbers and money. Years ago, when I have…
Read moreKeep looking… “If you’re aware, the gifts are there!”
The political campaigns, candidates, and their behavior are inundating the United States media, which led to a Brain Color discussion after my Silver Lotus Kundalini yoga (the yoga of awareness) practice, this morning. Chenoa, our yoga teacher, was talking about the lyrics: “Once in a while you get shown the light, In the strangest of…
Read moreA Non-Political View: “Remember the ladies.” and What They Have Accomplished!
This post is NOT about which political party you are part of in the United States or another country or which candidate you might vote for in the November 2016 U.S. presidential election or another country’s election. This post focuses on Abigail Adams’ poignant quote, which was written in her celebrated letter to husband John,…
Read moreWhat causes you to become an INERT INDIVIDUAL and INGREDIENT in your life?
As an author, I notice and I am fascinated by words. Today, a label on antibacterial cleaning product in the hardware store caught my attention. The label read: INERT INGREDIENTS……. 99.98% of the product. However the product did not list what the INERT INGREDIENTS were! My Green Brain was curious and my Blue Brain began…
Read moreIf you have ever felt defeated and wanted to quit, read this…
Yesterday, I completed my January “Achieve Your Goals” January 2015 BrainBuzz Newsletter. This morning, my Yellow Brain organized my desk, put my antique poetry book back on the shelf, I decided to share one of my favorite poems, prior to sending out my newsletter. My Blue Brain has always loved poetry. One of my favorite…
Read moreRefugee Refusal = A Poignant History Lesson!
My husband and I were born during WWII. We both remember hearing stories from our parents and family members about the Jewish refugees fleeing from the Nazi “Final Solution.” With the ongoing tragedies and terror all over the world, especially in the last few weeks, we both remarked that history is repeating itself. This morning,…
Read moreDo You Want Peace At Any Price?
People talk about Peace, but is an elusive word that so many of us desire in our lives, our community, country, and in our world. We can think of peace as a mental calm and serenity, peacefulness, tranquility, equanimity, calm, calmness, composure, ease, contentment, contentedness, and last but not least, peace of mind. We can…
Read moreFolk Singers, Peace, Honoring Others, Civil Rights, and Violence Against Women and Girls
This week I began a Blue Brain journey back in time to the 1960’s. A time of Folk Singers, Peace, Honoring Others, Civil Rights, and Violence. On Monday night, I watched the Peter Paul and Mary – 50 Years in Music and Life documentary on WTTW, Chicago Public Television. My Orange Brain I sang, laughed,…
Read moreA Love Story of Romance, Roses, and New Years Eve Dates Since 1964!
My Blue Brain was overwhelmed by the responses I received from my November 26th post The Blessing of a “Blind Date” 50 Years Ago on Thanksgiving! Because we live in a world were people ask each other out on dates and get engaged with a text message, my Blue Brain decided to share the rest…
Read moreThe Blessing of a “Blind Date” 50 Years Ago on Thanksgiving!
It was 50 years ago, on Thanksgiving, that I went to a Chicago Blackhawks hockey game after our family Thanksgiving dinner with my friend, her fiancé , and a “Blind Date” they fixed me up with. 50 years later, I will be serving Thanksgiving dinner and enjoying holiday with my husband Jordan, my “Blind Date”, who…
Read moreHonoring our Veterans on Veterans Day and at the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival
Today is Veterans Day or Armistice Day, as it was once know. The United States is honoring our men and women who serve and who have served in the United States Military. Two weeks ago my husband and I were honored and thrilled to attend the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the…
Read moreAuthor’s Confession: Now, I understand why I have become more impatient!
Today, my Orange Brain eagerly awaited the proof copies of Purr-fect Pals: A Kid, A Cat & Diabetes. When I check in about the copies I was told they were not ready and would not be shipped until tomorrow. I had paid $27.94 for priority UPS delivery for today and requested that the shipping fee…
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