Do you think there are Bad Brain Color Personalities?

People often ask me, “Are there Bad Brain Color Personalities?” It happened again, a few weeks ago, when I received an Green Brain curious email through my website from a young man who had taken my Brain Color Quizzes. He wanted to know if it was bad to be any of the Brain Color Personalities…

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Baking my grandmother’s favorite family holiday cookies!

This morning, after yoga class two of my fellow yogis and I were chatting about the holidays. I told them that I always bake my sweet grandmother’s butter cookies with her secret ingredient for Chanukah.  I asked if they would like the recipe; they said yes; and I told them I would send them the…

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Remembering! Where were you?

Tomorrow is the 18th anniversary of 9/11. A solemn time to remember the tragedy, the lives lost and devastated, and where we were on the morning of attacks on our country. I vividly remember taking my usual morning walk in my neighborhood, when one of my neighbors ran down her drive way and told me…

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Do Not Teach Tolerance!

We often read articles in newspaper and/or online or hear people say we need to teach tolerance to children and adults. In my What Color Is Your Brain?® workshops and programs I teach attendees not to be tolerance! You might be wondering why. The answer is: my What Color Is Your Brain?® approach encourages acceptance,…

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Are You A Person of Excellence, Leadership, and/or Encouragement Who Improves People’s Lives?

Do you ever wonder if your sense of excellence, encouragement and/or leadership can improve other people’s lives in your family, workplace, school and/or community? Your Green Brain may contemplate this questions, when you think about your personal and professional life experiences, or when your read an article in a book or newspaper, and/or watch or listen to the…

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Wisdom and Encouragement for Your 2019 New Year’s Resolutions!

Below is my father message to his Lab-Line employees to usher in 1966. I think the meaningful message is still as vital and significant, as it was 53 years ago. Please, modify and apply your business and/or personal perspective to each resolution and share them with your colleagues, family members, clients, and/or friends. The message…

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Attention Jeff Bezos: Unsatisfactory & Disappointing Customer Service from Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)!

The following is the email message I sent to Jeff Bezos and his “elite team.” “Bezos views that email address,, as a way to stay close to customers.” Dear Mr. Bezos, I am writing to inform you of a failure in KDP’s customer service. I know that you are engaged with international multi-billions dollar issues and devoting…

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Tips to Make a Book Launch Joyfully Success!

If you want to enjoy a successfully joyful book launch, use all your “Brainbow” attributes and abilities!   My Yellow Brain sent out “save the date” and Evite invitation emails for my No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense)  Book Launch, a month ahead of time.  I also collaborated with the remarkable staff at Arboria of Long Grove who helped to …

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“No Bunk” – Exemplary Leadership Truth #8 – A collaborative leader knows a team working together gets the job done

Today’s post is from my family business memoir, which is my latest book,  No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) Chapter 2 – Exemplary Leadership. I was a young girl, I remember a boldly colored poster with a rooster crowing hanging outside my father’s office at Lab-Line, Instruments, which was the laboratory instruments and equipment manufacturing business…

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Proven Tips to Make Strategic Planning and Problem Solving Easier!

Last Thursday, I had the pleasure and the privilege of facilitating an all-day story boarding creative problem solving session with the board of directors and staff of the American Board for Occupational Health Nurses, Inc., (ABOHN), which is the sole certification agency committed to advance Board Certification for Occupational Health Nurses. The Executive Director, Denise Knoblauch, BSN, RN, COHN-S/CM,…

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Post image for Crucial Health Care Advocate Lessons That Can Help You!

Crucial Health Care Advocate Lessons That Can Help You!

Do you think it is crucial to have have an advocate for yourself or be an advocate for loved ones in an health care facility? I do! I have been an advocate for my for several of my loved one. However, when I broke my leg, eleven weeks ago today, my extensive Brain Color knowledge…

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