If you have ever felt defeated and wanted to quit, read this…

Feeling Overwhelmed Many people, including me, have felt that heart break that the past 14 months have been filled with:  Coronavirus, unemployment, children learning from home, political battling, injustice, and prejudice. Life has been emotionally, financially, and physically challenging, and devastating for so many women, men, and children. Whenever, my Blue Brain and Heart are…

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“Myself”- An Inspirational Poem

How I Learned to Love Poetry When I was a young girl I was fortunate to attend Mac-Do Lodge Camp for Girls in Delevan, Wisconsin. Minnie A. Cohen, the owner and director of our camp,  always read inspirational poems during our Sunday night campfire and award ceremony. Sharing Poetry It was those Sunday night readings…

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“Kindness Is A Lifestyle”

A Helpful Quote This morning, I received a “Daily Does” email from Joe Fermano. The message read; “Kindness is not an act.  It’s a lifestyle.” The quote  is from Anthony Douglass. Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift This quote immediately made me think of my children’s book Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift. My family fairy tale is…

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Join an Exciting Global Education Chat for Students, Teachers and Parents – Building and Keeping Virtual Relationships!

GlobalEdSsChat My Orange Brain is excited to be a guest panelist for the GlobalEdSsChat for December 2020. The Topic will be: Building and Keeping Virtual Relationships. My friend and colleague, Leigh Cassel, who is the founder of the Digital Human Library, asked me to share my Brain Color concepts with the students. Chat questions The…

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The #1 Secret for Writing a Book!

Why write a book I find it fascinating that so many people are eager to know how an author writes a book. They are curious for many reason. Below are just a few: 1. They want to write a book. 2. They are thinking about writing a book. 3. They don’t know how to begin…

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2020 Presidential Candidates’ Brain Color Personalities Can Influence Your Vote!

Past Presidential Candidates’ Brain Color Personalities There are only 77 days until November 3rd—Election Day 2020.  I have been determining the candidates’ Brain Colors since Presidential Election of 2000. That was the contested (hanging chads) election when Al Gore, a Green Brainer  and Joe Lieberman, a Blue Brainer ran against George W. Bush, an Orange…

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Is your attitude: The Glass 1/2 Full, 1/2 Empty, or Something Else?

Full, Empty or Overflowing? People talk about their glass being 1/2 Full or 1/2 Empty. However, my childhood friend Helene describe her glass as filled to the top and with bubbles overflowing the rim of the glass. Helene says, “You must keep your own glass not only full, but overflowing so you have all of…

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Honor your mother by understanding her personality!

Sunday, May 10th is Mother’s Day and what would have been my beloved mothers’ 103rd birthday. On the left is a picture of my mother and I wearing our fashionable Mother-Daughter dresses, which my mother designed and sewed. We are standing in our garden in 1948. My mother was 31 years old and I was…

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