Brain Color Clues
Tips for effectively communicating and letting your health care professionals know exactly what you want!
When you are a patient, do ever feel like your health care professional speaks to you like a prison warden, a doting grandparent, science teacher, or summer camp counselor? Do you become frustrated and/or upset when your health care professionals do not understand what you want? The answer is simple. Your health care professional probably…
Read moreRelevant Professional and Personal Life Lessons from Dr. Seuss on His 113th Birthday.
Today, Theodor Seuss Geisel, better know to the world as the children author Dr. Seuss would have been 113 years of age. Dr. Seuss is best known for his 60 children’s books, which have sold over 600 million copies and have been translated into more than 20 languages, when he passed away in 1991. Dr. Seuss…
Read moreBrain Color Tips to Help You Recognize and Relieve Stressful Situations in Your Life!
The internet, social media, newspapers, and radio programs provide us with news, which affects our professional and business lives. For some people, news provides information and entertainment. However, for others, the news can also create stressful situations. How individuals respond to stressful situations differs because of their personality type. Understanding their Brain Color behavior help people decrease…
Read moreCan 4 Brain Colors Personalities and 5 Different Generations Interact Successfully in the Workplace?
Recently, I have been researching how the 4 Brain Colors and the 5 Generations can successfully collaborate, communicate and build rapport in the workplace. Below is a list of the 5 different generations: Traditionalists, War Babies, Silent: Born 1925-1945 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 Gen X: 1965-1976 Gen Y (Millenials): 1977-1995 Gen Z (iGen, Nexters, linksters): 1996…
Read moreIs Crucial Information Missing from Your Business Card?
This morning, I read a post that Julia Bowers liked on LinkedIn. The post was about business cards and what is essential about them. Most business cards will display an individual’s name, title, job, contact information, which might be your postal address, email address, phones numbers, and in my case, my book covers. Of course, the…
Read moreWhy do you need to send people “Gentle Reminders” to reply?
Today, my Yellow Brain had to send “Gentle Reminder” messages to 13 of the 28 health care professionals who contributed anecdotal stories for What Color Is Your Brain?® When Caring for Patients: A Fun and Fascinating Approach to Understanding Yourself and Other Health Care Professionals. My editor had requested that all the consent forms had…
Read moreNational Diabetes Awareness Month, Book for Children with Diabetes, and Children Advocates’ Brain Colors
I have emerged from the depths of my writing for National Diabetes Awareness Month. You might be wondering why now. The answer is simple. My Yellow Brain writing goal was to complete the manuscript for Purr-fect Pals: A Kid, A Cat & Diabetes by November 1st. I am thrilled to say that I met my…
Read moreDon’t dread summer vacations and visitors; they can be harmonious, instead of horrific!
Do you think of your vacation as torturous because you are spending time with the horrific cast members of a soap opera? Or is your vacation as beautiful and relaxed as the people and setting on the cover of Good Housekeeping magazine? Either way, your vacation and/or visitors do not have to be dreadful. They…
Read moreHelpful Tips When Your Brain Color Personality Is Feeling Overwhelmed!
One definition of overwhelm is bury or drown beneath a huge mass. That is how All my Brain Colors are feeling today. I could list what has made me feel overwhelmed, but then you might also feel overwhelmed! Instead my Blue Brain is going to take a break from my tasks and write this blog…
Read moreLearn Positive Attraction Tips To Celebrate A “AAA” Romantic Valentine’s Day!
Do you ever feel that your “soul mate” has become a “cell mate”? Are you concerned that the spark that ignited your positive attraction might have fizzled into a negative reaction? A multitude of factors can agitate your personal security and relationships. However, understanding you Brain Color attitude and how it influences your romantic relationship…
Read moreDecision Making and Motivation To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
When the New Year begins many people begin making decisions to achieve personal and professional goals and/or keep their New Year resolutions. Of course, individuals make decisions differently according to their Brain Color Personality, how they are motivated, and if they confidently say, “I think I can, I think I can,” just like the little…
Read moreYour Personality Type Can Influence What You Are Thankful For
Last week, I published my January BrainBuzz Newsletter and I included my New Year’s affirmation for the new business year. For 2014, I received my affirmation as a gift from one of my favorite Yoga instructors at the Silver Lotus Yoga Studio. Erinn Hughs always begins our Yoga practice by reading a Blue Brain Inspirational…
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