Happiness & The Yellow Brain Personality Type

August is Happiness Happens Month!To kick off this month’s celebrations of Brain Color Happiness, I’d like to share one of my favorite, Mac-Do Lodge Summer Camp, poems with you, which was written by Pricsilla Leonard.HAPPINESSHappiness is like a crystal, Fair and exquisite and clear, Broken in a millions pieces, Shatter, scattered far and near. Now and then…

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Orange Brainers Vacation and Reunions with Family and Friends

The last Brain Color Clue entry for this month is definitely not the least. It is all about having a grand time with the “Orange Brainers” who love to have fun, be spontaneity and experience variety on their vacationsor at family reunions.  Orange Brainers find unfamiliar or exotic places and meeting new people exciting. Sporting trips such as helicopter skiing, crewing on a sailboat, whitewater rafting, or…

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Harmonious Brain Color Communications

Did you know that your Brain Color tone can throw people off guard? I was speaking with a business associate about my What Color Is Your Brain? book in my customary “Lovely Blue Brain” tone of voice. He then asked me a question which I answered in my “Logical Green Brain” tone. He immediate questioned, “Do I note…

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Your Green Brain on Vacation

I am fascinated by Greta Garbo’s “Green Brain” contemplative pose. Is she thinking… “I’m so misunderstood!”“I never said, ‘I want to be alone.’ I only said, ‘I want to be left alone.’ There is all the difference.”For most “Green Brainers” there is no difference in her quote, because the optimum word is “ALONE.” My interpretation: Greta could have been thinking… “How can…

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A Blue Brain Honeycomb Heart

As Blue Brainer, when I think about my relationships with family members and friends, I visualize my heart as a honeycomb, with a compartment for each individual. However, at times, it has felt like the cast members from The Guiding Light, the longest running soap opera, have filled those compartments instead of cover models of Family…

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Family Brain Color Reunions and Vacations

July is Family Reunion Month, according to Chase’s Calendar of Events. Many families incorporate family reunions into their vacations. That mixture can be harmonious or hazardous. For the next four Mondays I will post Brain Color Clues to help you create more harmony, and avoid the hazards of visiting family members, at home or on the road. Yellow Brainers arrange…

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Outrageous Orange Conflict Resolution

“Who Stole The cookie From The Cookie Jar?” is the title of this picture below.   The following are the photographers descriptive captions for “The CrasHBURN identity crisis:” a.) “The grumpy crashy: You did it again! I mean it, I’m gonna kick you’re a*s!” The “Orange” trickster getting caught b.) “The childish and schizophrenic crashy:…

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Green Wet Paint – Do Not Touch!

This is the 3rd Weekly Brain Color Clue for Resolving Conflicts.This week’s focus will on the Green Brainers.   The symbol for the Green Brainers is a “Do Not Disiturb” sign. To avoid conflict with a Green Brainer respect and appreicate their need for privacy.   When our Brain Color intensifies, compatibility can be problematic. Green Brainers are…

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Blue Brainer No-Brainer Conflict Resolution

My husband and I began the second week of June celebrating with dear friends at their daughter magical and magnificent wedding on Saturday evening, and with our family at our cousin’s entertaining and elaborate North Suburban School of Dance “2008 Student Dance Show” on Sunday afternoon. Fortunately, we enjoyed watching the familiar and unfamiliar Brain…

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Yellow Brainer No-Brainer Conflict Resolution

June is perfect time to learn how the different Brain Colors communicate to resolve conflict. This month offers many opportunities for and conflict and compatibility. You might be spending more time with co-workers, family members and/or friends at weddings, graduations, company picnics, and/or family reunions or vacations. Within the next four weeks, I will offer you “No-Brainer…

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A Memorial Day Remembrance

This morning, I was reminiscing about the parades my parents took me to on Memorial Day. I remember sitting on the Lake Street curbside in River Forest, Illinois listening to the school and military marching bands, standing up and placing my hand over my heart when the American Flag passed by and watching the World War…

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Green Brain Teenagers

Monday began the third week of National Teen Self-Esteem Month, a month to celebrate our teenagers and help them healthfully enhance their self-esteem. The Teenage Brain Color Clue for this week will focus on the Green Brainers. When our son, Joshua, a Green Brainer, was a teenager he posted a sign over his bedroom door,…

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