Brain Color Clues
I love the word serendipity and the Blue Brain Gifts it offers me. By definition “serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely unrelated.” A few months ago my friend, Elaine Hankin, who is the Barnes & Noble Community Relation Manager at the Linconshire IL…
My Green Brain has been diligently and systematically at work:1. Writing and editing information for my new website. 2. Researching, purchasing and learning how to use my new cell phone. 3. Developing new workshop materials for clients.4. Completing post workshop printout materials for clients. I should be back on track with regular blog posts next week. I’ll let you know when the…
Yesterday, our granddaughter, Yasmin, gave us another clue to decode her Brain Color Personality. My husband, Jordan, had picked her up at pre-school and was looking forward to their normal routine of singing songs during the drive home. However, Yasmin was unusually quiet, so Jordan asked, “Yasmin, do you want to sing with me?” Her…
I’m excited to share my Green Brain Achievements with you! For those of you who are Blue Brainers and find technology and Excel spread sheets a challenge. I want to encourage you to take an Orange Brain leap out of your Comfort Color, as I did. My successes might sound ridiculous to those of you…
People are always curious about the Brain Color differences between men, women and their careers. In the past few weeks, three of my What Color Is Your Brain? (WCIYB) Workshops offered me fascinating and consistent Brain Color data. On May 28th, I presented a WCIYB workshop for the Barrington Area Chamber of Commerce – Women’s…
Read moreWriting A Business Book
Exciting news! On Monday, I sent the first draft of my new “Business” book proposal to my agent, Jonathan Malysiak at The Jonathan Scott Agency. I was delighted they Jon was enthusiastic about the book.The project will incorporate and utilize all my Brain Colors: “Green Research”, “Yellow Organization”, “Blue Creativity” and “Orange Resourcefulness.”This “thought-provoking” writing process…
Read more“Blue Brain”storming
This morning, I was discussing the website changes I was contemplating with my husband. He had offered some suggestion, but I told him I didn’t like one of the ideas because it just didn’t feel like me. His Green Brain response was, “Your Blue is Blinding you!” His comment could have offended me and become an conflict. However,…
Read moreCollege Students’ Brain Colors
Last week, I was gathering research for my new book. I called the owner of Read Between the Lynes Bookstore, a phenomenal independent bookseller, in Woodstock, Illinois for her assistance. As always, I was most grateful when she offered her “Blue Brain insight “ and “Green Brain knowledge.” During the conversation, she told me about her daughter, a freshman in…
Read moreHeart Attraction
When we look at others we often question… “What do they see in each other?”The following Brain Color and personality traits and talents (in Brain Color Code side bar) will help you understand their “Heart Attraction.”Yellow Brainers Are Attracted To: Yellow Brainers who respect their rules.Orange Brainers who contribute adventure to their routine. Blue Brainers who cooperate…
Read moreBlogging Brain Colors
This morning I attended a “Blogging 101” class. It was offered to our WIN membership at the Ela Township Library, thanks to Terri Myer, the Library Program Director and our WIN Treasurer. Matt Womack, Head of Technical Services, generously offered his time to teach an evening and morning class to our membership.The purpose of the classes was to offer our membership instructions and…
Read moreThe Spark of Love
Each month, Robert Hruzek generously posts a “What I Learned From…” groupwrite project on his Middle Zone Musing blog. Robert asks his fellow bloggers to send him their posts on a selected subject. This month of Valentine Romance, Robert has encouraged us to write about… “What I learned from… Love.” After almost 42 years of marriage, love has taught…
Read moreCameleon Brain Color Changes & Challenges
People always ask, “Can change my Brain Color?” My reply… YES! Various situation motivate us to change our behavior, just like chameleons. Recently, I was motivated to change my “Creative Blue” Blog Brain to a “Technical Green” Blog Brain. How did I do it, you are wondering? I challenged myself to find the tools, learn how to…
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