Brain Color Clues
Life & A To-Do List
I found this note on a piece of yellow to-do note paper today.I have no idea where it came from, however it resonated with me “Never confuse having a To-Do List with having a life!” The words helped me take a break from being “Yellow” and think about being “Orange” and having fun…We’re off to…
Read moreLaryngitis Cancels Radio Interview
This afternoon, I had to cancel a What Color Is Your Brain? radio interview with KBZNZ – Business Talk Radio. KBZNZ is a business radio station, located in Las Vegas, Nevada, which focuses on everything that relates to business; finance, marketing and management. Canceling appointments is not how I normally conduct business. However, I have…
Read moreBrain Color Teambuilding and Cooking Class Combo
Recently, I had the privilege and pleasure to present a What Color Is Your Brain? teambuilding workshop for the Village of Northbrook (Illinois) Planning Department. I love their “Blue Brain” chime, instead of a harsh department bell. Tom Poupard, a “Yellow/Blue Brainer,” is the Director of Community Planning. No worries! Tom doesn’t drink wine on…
Read moreBrain Color – Author Interview
Please, log on to It Happened In Chicago- A blog about a Book and a City and enjoy reading my interview with author, Scotti Cohn. Several of the thought-provoking interview questions encouraged me to examine my writing and What Color Is Your Brain Color concept from a unique perspective. Scotti is an accomplished author and…
Read moreKristallnacht – Sesame Street -The Berlin Wall
Between yesterday, November 9th, and today, Nov 10th, many of us have acknowledge historic events, which have had an impact and left and imprint on our lives Today and yesterday, marked the 71th anniversary of Kristallnacht, “The spark that ignited the Holocaust.” Yesterday, marked the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall “The Blockade…
More about the WOW meeting I attended Wednesday night with my friend, Sandy. The Careerpartners3 facilitators and founders of the WOW group: Women on Work and facilitators are Joy Maguire-Dooley, Sally Morrison and Teri Clancy. The three women proudly say that they “live our mission by offering career coaching, career and job search workshops and…
Yesterday, I was driving to meet my friend in Wheaton for an early dinner. Sandy had invited me to attend the evening WOW (Women on Work) meeting hosted by her friend, Joy Maguire-Dooley and her partners, Teri Clancy and Sally Morrison of Career Partners3 . The meeting was being held at the satellite Rice Campus…
Many thanks to my friend and “Blog Mentor” Karen Hanarahan a.k.a Mother Earth who thanked nutritionist Barbara Lagoni for sharing this information. Ladies, I appreciate your thought-provoking “Green Brain Information“!Karen wrote: The Difference Between Cold And Swine Flu Symptoms“I did take creative license with a bit of this info for readability purposes. The email it…
While reading an Edith Wharton quote and I was reminded about our Brain Colors, how we see ourselves and more significantly how others see us (and our personalities traits). “After all, one knows one’s weak points so well, that it’s rather bewildering to have critics overlook them and invent others.” Are you bewildering, bewitching or…
Now, you can listen to my What Color Is Your Brain? radio interview with Joe Fermano, the radio of host of “How To Use Your Life™” that aired last Tuesday, October 27th on WNJC 1360 AM in Philadelphia. My interview was most engaging and fun. Some of the topic we discussed were:The basic attributes…
Last week, I began my Social Media Marketing Lessons. On Wednesday, I listened to a webinar hosted by Mark Amtower, which offered many useful tips. On Thursday evening, I began my classes with Jackie de Boer owner of Accredited Virtual Assistance and a my Social Media Marketing Consultant. My lessons began with several other members…
You all are invited to listen to my What Color Is Your Brain? Interview with Joe Fermano, the radio of host of his weekly radio show, How To Use Your Life™. Listen in tomorrow, Tuesday October 27th @ 7 pm EST. Joe and I will be chattinglive on WNJC 1360 AM or click on “Live…
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