Brain Color Clues
Playing A QuickBooks Money Game
I just finished played a game of QuickBooks? Never heard of it?No, it’s not a new “app” on an Iphone or a family board game. It’s my “Creative Blue Brain” having a little “Orange Brain Fun” at something I always avoided… catching up on my accounting! Yikes.. how boring and dull. But not any more!…
Read moreSocial Media Networking Behavior and Personalities
Recently, I joined another LinkedIn Group. My “Green Brain” wanted to increase my Social Media learning curve, so I spent time yesterday and today reading and participating in a group marketing discussion. As of this moment, the group discussion has 162 comments! I was pleasantly overwhelmed by the generosity of information that was shared by…
Read moreHoliday Changes, Stress, Loss and Grief
During the holidays change, stress and a sense of loss or grief can be significant. Missing a loved one who has passed away can be a stressful change during the holiday season or a family celebration. John De Berry, a grief counselor and consultant who was the Bereavement Coordinator of Palliative Care and Home Hospice…
Read moreParenting at Christmas
“Tis the Season to be Jolly,” but for some parents and children “Tis the Season filled with Folly.” The following “Parenting Brain Color“ Tips will help to make your Christmas celebrations less stressful and more fun! “Yellow Brain Parents” are dependable organizers who need orderliness and have traditional views about family members’ behavior during celebrations. They…
Read moreEmpty Nesters Again
Yesterday, our “Joyful Chaos” came to a close. Our son, daughter-in-law, 3 year old granddaughter and 10 month old grandson moved into their new home. My husband, Jordan, and I refer to their return from Brazil and 15 month sojourn with us as a “Once in a life time blessing that will never come again!”…
Read moreFamily Never Fail Butter Cookie Recipe
Her grandchildren, great grandchildren, family members, friends and neighbors all called my maternal grandmother “Mimi.” When my mother became a grandmother we continued the maternal grandmother family tradition and called her “Mimi” and my Mimi became “Mimi Eva.” When I became a grandmother, I was thrilled and honored that our children continued our family tradition……
Read moreHoliday Celebration Tips
When your relatives come home for a Holiday celebration, do they resemble the people on the “Most Wanted” listings at your local post office or characters on a Disney World vacation brochure? Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw said, “When our relatives are at home, we have to think of all their good points or it…
Read moreHoliday Shopping Tips
Holiday Shopping can be a dilemma or a delight depending on your Brain Color personality type. The following Brain Color Tips will help to make your Holiday Shopping experienceeasier and more enjoyable!Shopping Styles:Yellow Brainers: Prepare a listBlue Brainers: Ask for adviceGreen Brainers: Make comparisonsOrange Brainers: Be spontaneous When Holiday Shopping:Yellow Brainers: Make a listBlue Brainers:…
Read moreBrain Book Gift and Book Review
I was delighted to learn that What Color Is Your Brain? (WCIYB) was reviewed on Lisa Martin’s blog: Lisa Reviews. Lisa wrote a remarkable review that stated, WCIYB “helps you understand the people that surround you and who doesn’t want to know that?” Lisa also asked her readers to leave a comment telling her who…
Read moreHassle Free Holiday Brain Quiz
The holidays are right around the corner and relatives will begin to visit and stay at your home. Are you concerned about your cousin, who resembles Cousin Eddie, in the Griswold’s Christmas Vacation Movie disrupting your Holiday Open House? Do you worry about your in-laws, “The Grinches,” who whip up high drama and discomfort every…
Read morePositive Living Network Interview
No, you do not have double vision. I am scheduled for another BlogTalkradio Interview. Below is the Press Release from BlogTalkradio host, Patricia Raskin, who asked me to share the information with my readers. Patricia and I hope you will listen to and call in to our 40 minute Radio Interview on December 11th @…
Read moreBrain Color Zones
A few weeks ago I received an email from Susan Gretzinger, a Clinical Educator in Behavior Health Services at Winchester Medical Center in Winchester, Virginia. Susan had purchased a copy of What Color Is Your Brain? at an APNA (American Psychiatric Nurses Association) conference and had contacted me to learn more about my Brain Color…
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