2010 Olympic Games and Brain Colors

My husband and I always look forward to the Winter and Summer Olympics. Now, that the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver are about to conclude, we will miss watching the all extraordinary athletes and athletic competitions. Confession of a “Compulsive Brain Colorist”…I could not help myself from “Brain Color Coding” the athletes and events.…

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A Romantic Risky Love Story

Last November, my “Green & Blue Plaid” friend, Rita Emmett who a consummate speaker and author of The Procrastinator’s Handbook and The Clutter-Busting Handbook sent me her monthly THE ANTICRASTINATION TIP SHEET. I loved the story Rita wrote about her son Robb and his wife Misha and  asked if I could post it on my…

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Secret of A Woman’s Age

We’ve all heard that women never like to tell their age. I don’t mind.We’ve also been taught never to ask a woman her age. I don’t mind It’s supposed to be a secret! However, I’ve never understand why. Recently, I received thought-provoking message from my cousin, Audrey Lakin. Her age calculations made my “Green Brain”…

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Blogging Sabbatical Finale

This morning my yard looked like Jack Frost had been up all night dusting my trees and painting my gardens with powdered sugar. What a lovely vision to finale to my Blogging (and Work) Sabbatical. I must confess, I did take two breaks in my work sabbatical, when I was interviewed by radio hosts Scott…

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Age of Your Heart

A Guatemalan Proverb says… “Everyone is the age of their heart.”Are you an “Orange Brain“ Kid at Heart? I am!Sheila N. Glazov, Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator Take a Brain Color Quiz, and learn about my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops   10% of the royalties from the sale of…

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How Parents Can React Positively To Misbehaving Children

I received another email from Clarissa Passos, the iG Manager of the Entertainment section in Brazil. Clarissa told me that she posted her interview question and my “Brain Color Clues” about parents reacting positively to their children’s misbehavior on the iG site. Her email prompted me to share my responses with you. “Yellow Brain Parents”…

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Shopping For Shoes In Brazil

Yesterday, after retuning from a pre-planning conference workshop with the several members of the Illinois Risk Management Services IRMS department, which is a subsidiary of the Illinois Hospital Association, I checked my website statistics. I was astonished and excited to see 50,698 hits on the site and 1,357 visitors. Evidently, my interview with Clarissa Passos,…

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Yummy Gluten Free Bread

My favorite meal of the day is breakfast and I enjoy eating it any time of day! My “Yellow Brain Breakfast Plan” is: A bowl of fresh mixed berries, a spinach or mixed veggie omelet (usually 2 egg whites), a piece of toast and a cup of tea. Because of my sensitivities I need to…

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Easy Tips to Keep 2010 New Year’s Resolutions

The tradition of the New Year’s Resolutions can be traced back to 153 B.C. Janus, a mythical king of early Rome was placed at the head of the calendar. With two faces, Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future. Janus became the ancient symbol for resolutions and many Romans looked…

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Exemplary Brain Color Behavior for Parents and Children

This quote is a follow up on the Parenting Tips from my blog post on January 5th.  Carl Jung said, “Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by what he says.” “Yellow Brain Parents” want their children to be respectful, prompt and organized. Are you? “Blue Brain Parents” want their children to…

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Parenting Tips For 2010 Resolutions

It’s the 2010 and many people have made New Year resolutions to improve theirpersonal and professional life. If you are a parent, you might have thought about how you can modify and improve your “Brain Color Parenting” Personality Style to create more harmony and reduce the conflict in your home. Yellow Brainers may want to…

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Secret to Xanthan Gum Reaction

If you are like I am and have a tremendous sensitivity to Corn, this is a warming… Beware of Xanthan Gum! I’ve done some “Green Brain” research and discovered a secret! I was eating Gluten Free products, such as: bread, cookies, chocolate chips, crackers, etc. But, did not know that there was a “secret” ingredient…

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