Imagination Preview in Color

Albert Einstein (a Green Brainer) said, “Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, IMAGINATION has a variety of definitions. I have highlighted specific words that are key to each of the 4 Brain Colors. 1. The power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses…

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Do You Have A Light Switch Personality?

Orange Brain Personalities are like a light switch… They are either on or off. Their energy level is high or low. They are having fun or they are bored. Their flush with money or they are broke. They are madly in love or they will never love again. Orange Brainers are never in the middle…

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Is Your Personality Type Challenged by the Editing Process?

I had been putting off creating short videos of my What Color Is Your Brain? Program video from an Association of Occupational Health Professionals (AOHP) Annual Conference. I liked the video clips, but my Green Brain abilities always score the lowest on my personality assessment/brain quiz. My Yellow Brain Planned to set aside time this week to complete this work. My Creative Blue…

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Getting It Right Can Be Stressful!

“I’m so stressed because I want to get it right.” That was a comment I heard from one of the staff members when I was facilitating a What Color Is Your Brain? program at the Taylorville Memorial Hospital. Below is excerpt from my What Color Is Your Brain? book that will give you a more in-depth explanation of…

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Personality Types & Communication Breakdown

We always hear that people have significant problems in their relationships because of a break down and/or lack of communication. The biggest challenge is between the Blue Brainers and the Green Brainers. Blue Brainer prefer to speak to someone in person, over the phone or possibly on Skype. They often become frustrated with Green Brainers who…

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Brain Color Clue – Fire Orange Personality Type

“Orange Brainer” frustrate other Brain Colors because of their “Do it at the last minute!” attitude. “Orange Brainer“ often finds themselves too busy to respond to phone calls, emails, and text messages during the day. Don’t be surprised when you call their phone number, their mail box is full and you cannot leave a message! They prefer to…

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Celebrating Washington’s & Lincoln’s Birthdays & Brain Colors

When I was growing up we celebrated President George Washington’s Birthday on February 22nd  and President Abraham Lincoln’s birthday was celebrated on February 12th. Our schools were closed on alternating years. If you wondering how their birthdays became a 3 day combined holiday weekend with retail store promoting special sales and government agencies, banks and schools being closed, read the history of  the President’s…

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Brain Color Clue of the Day- An Art and Medical Mosaic

One day I was speaking with Mary Ann Ryan, owner of Kidz ‘n Kaboodles photography. During our conversation Mary Ann said, “I think our Brain Color personalities are a mosaic.” I loved her unique perspective of our personalities Below are two of mosaic definitions. The first is a common definition and the second resonated with me because of diversity…

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Wise Advice… Kiss A Lot of Frogs!

My dear friend, author Caryn Amster is a Green Brainer. Recently, I began investigating several changes for my business and thinking about her words of wisdom. I have found it encouraging to follow Caryn’s valuable and sage advice for my research projects. I am sure her wisdom will help me discover the appropriate solutions and make effective decisions. “You have to kiss a lot of frogs until you find a…

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Jump into the Pool of Possibilities

Mary Ann Maruska, an attendee at one of my What Color Is Your Brain? Programs shared a “Fun Orange Brain” expression with me…  “Jump into the pool of possibilities!” That really creates fantastic images for me? However, my favorite image is this picture of the little girl jumping off the diving board. I loved her the moment I saw her. Her 1950’s…

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Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

We remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who would have celebrated his 83rd birthday today. Dr. King was the most iconic figure of the Civil Rights movement in the United States. In 1964 he was award the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and discrimination through civil disobedience and nonviolent. Dr. King embodied copious qualities of an…

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Breaking the Golden Rule

Most people, no matter where they live, their culture or religion are familiar some form of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  However, a students who had read Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift in her fourth grade classroom had another idea about the axiom. She told me and her teacher, “It is…

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