Brain Color Clues
Please, Edit The Words You Write and Speak!
I know my Blue Brain often is too creative and misspells words. However, not using the Precise Green and Correct Yellow definition of a word drives me and some of my fellow author’s crazy! My Green/Yellow Editor’s Brain gets a “Wacky Word Workout” when I read what others write and listen to them speak. This…
Read moreDo You Think Children’s Stories Are Stupid And Illogical?
This morning, before our Blue Brain Relaxing Yoga class began, a few of the women were chatting with one another. One of the women, who I suspected was a Green Brainer, confirmed my suspicion with her comment about a children’s book and a fairy tale. She told us, “I hated Charlotte’s web and thought a…
Read moreSecret to Marriage Lasting For 66 Years With A Gin Rummy Card Game!
I was fortunate and blessed to have two amazing in-laws, who loved me as a daughter, not a daughter-in-law! And I loved them as another set of loving and remarkable parents. I loved Joe Glazov the moment I met in in the summer of 1965. Papa Joe, as he was called by all the grandchildren…
Read moreA Busybody In Your Business
Are you or is someone you know a “Busybody”? That is: Someone who meddles and pries into other people’s business, such as Miss Gulch in my favorite movie, The Wizard Of Oz. My friend and fellow author, Laurie Buchanan wrote a recent blog post about sticking your nose where it does not belong. My response…
Read moreDoes Your Computer Have “Good Karma” & Excellent Technical Support?
My computer has “Good Karma” and excellent technical support because I have a contract with iYogi. I have been using iYogi’s services for many years and just renewed my service contract for another 2 years. Whenever I have a problem with my computer, I immediately call iYogi and they quickly diagnose the problem and repair…
Read morePlaying Hooky With My Husband
Have you ever had a day when everything thing seemed to be upside down and backwards. Today, was “Wacky Wednesday” for me. Instead of making myself crazy attempting to continue on my Yellow Brain Schedule, my Orange Brain “Played Hooky” with my husband! I told Jordan I had to return our books to the library…
Read moreOlympic Beach Volleyball Teammates Personify True Friendship
I loved watching Misty May-Treanor & Kerri Walsh Jennings during the Beach Volleyball competition and their winning game for the Olympic Gold medal! During the Olympic games, Misty’s and Kerri’s friendship, love, trust, encouragement, and respect for one another was palpable When a reporter asked Kerri how she felt about Misty, with tears in her…
Read more3 Terrific Tips To Keep Your To Do List Organized
Timely Time Management Tips is the new LinkedIn Group I decided to join, last week. I needed some tips to keep my life, writing projects, and my Blue Brain more Yellow and Organized. The 2nd discussion messages I received was from Linda Clevenger. Linda’s post What To Do To Get Organized was simple, efficient and…
Read moreDoes Culture (nationality/racial heritage) Infulence Your Brain Color Personality?
Last week, I received a message a LinkedIn message from my British friend and fellow professional speaker Philippa Games CMC. Philippa wrote: “…while I’m in the midst of teaching 75 students from all over the world – it’s an amazing experience (and takes lots of concentration to listen to all the accents!) Do you think…
Read moreWhat Was Your Playful Childhood Talent?
“I am really talented because I can play!” That was the Orange Brain observation my 5 year old granddaughter shared with me as we were sitting outside our community swimming pool waiting for my husband. “I am so delighted that you are so talented and I hope you never forget how to play when you…
Read moreConserving Your Brain Color Energy
Drought conditions and the lack of rain is stress the people and farmland in the much of the United States. It has been an unusual summer and my gardens are also suffering from the unusually dry and hot weather. One of my personal mantras is: “If you are aware, the gift is there. You may…
Read moreUse Brain Colors to Stay Focused, Not Paralyzed by Frustration!
Only 4 more days until the Princess Shayna Musical premier performance! I am so grateful for my What Color Is Your Brain? knowledge. I have had to use all my Brain Colors in the last few weeks to stay focused and not frustrated. However, I have walked into Meevillain’s Forest of Fear a few times…
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