Brain Frustration – Show andTell!
Over the past few weeks my “Yellow Organized Brain” has been thumped with FRUSTRATION! Disorganization is a tremendous stress factor for Yellow Brainers.
Storms, No Electricity, No Water, Too Much Heat, No Phones, Critters Eating Veggies in my Garden, Blog, Facebook Fan Page and Website Redesign Decisions, and Comcast Internet Router Disconnects, just to name a few.
In between all that, my “Green Logical Brain” has been editing and proof reading Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift. That process has not been frustrating because Green Brainers thrive on perfecting projects and ideas.
I love revision and the process of discovering new ways to improve my writing. One of the most enjoyable process for my “Blue Creative Brain“ is crafting “Show and not Tell” pictures with my words.
In elementary school, I eagerly looked forward to the “Show and Tell” segment of the school day!
Now, that I’ve told you what I’ve been up to and I’m going to show you how I have felt.
What frustrates your Brain Color personality?
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