Brain Color Tips to Handle Your Money and Build Relationships!

The month of May was filled with planning, preparing, and presenting What Color Is Your Brain?® Programs.

The first program was for the patrons of the Wauconda Area Library, in Wauconda, Illinois. It was a pleasure working librarian Amy Saccca. 88 people were registered and we had a full room of people eager to discover their Brain Color personalities. I added bonus information to help the attendees learn how to get along with family members and friends during the spring and summer celebrations and gathering and how they handle their money.

The patrons learned that:

Yellow Brainers Save their money

Blue Brainers Share their money

Green Brainers have a System for their money

Orange Brainers Spend their money


The second and third programs were for the Crowe LLP health care division consultants in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was pleasure working with Jenna Ruhayel, Tom Prescott, and Adriane Counts. 85 people registered for each program. The consultants were eager to discover their Brain Color personalities to improve their collaboration and communication skills to build relationships with their team members and clients.
I also added Jenna’s brilliant quote about building relationships to the handout:  “When you build relationships, you build results.”

Yellow Brainers formulate a plan and have realistic goals to build relationships

Blue Brainers  let them share ideas and validate their feelings o build relationships

Green Brainers give them time to process and ask precise questions o build relationships

Orange Brainers encourage their energy and open mindedness o build relationships

I trust these Brain Color Tips will help you handle you money and build your relationships in your professional and personal life! 

Please contact me at for information about a customized What Color Is Your Brain?® program for your organization. 

No Bunk Just BS

My family business memoir, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is available on
Remember: 10% of royalties from the sale of No Bunk will be allocated to JDRF.


Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!


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