Brain Change & Plasticity
If you are wondering or concerned about how to keep your brain healthy, then you must read
The Brain That Changes Itself written by Norman Doidge, M.D.
I learned about this book, while watching WTTW, our outstanding Chicago public television station.
I was fascinated by the program, the theories, and opportunities that were offered to enhance my life long learning and good health.
I purchased Dr. Doidge’s book and was immediately immersed in the incredible personal stories, scientific studies and possibilities that all of us have to understand the plasticity and power of our brain!
My copy has copious corners of pages turned down, words circled, sentences and paragraphs underlined and the last two pages of the inside back cover are filled with notes and references to specific pages.
Now, you might be thinking…Obviously, since I am the author of What Color Is Your Brain?, I would be interested in learning more about the brain. That is true, however, no matter what color your brain is, I think you will find this book enlightening and educational. There is no dull gray matter!
Neuroscience: What is Brain Plasticity? Neuron picture credit
I encourage you to read the book and improve your Brain Plasticity and Brain Color!
Sheila N. Glazov ~ Author ~ Speaker ~ Educator ~ Personality Type Expert
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops. 10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
brain plasticity brain change the brain that changes itself norman doidge, m.d. sheila glazov what color is your brain Turbo Tagger
Please Spread the Word
Ahhhhhh, your neuron photo is similar in color to my neurological makeup. However, the shape of my neurons appear more like sperm cells than star-fish:-)
That definately is your “Orange Brain” perspective. Does that mean the your neurons keep reproducing? That is a good thing!
That definately is your “Orange Brain” perspective. Does that mean the your neurons keep reproducing? That is a good thing!