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Princess Shayna – Introduction
Please read this valuable information before you begin your journey with Princess Shayna.I am Sarah Spundah, Guardian of the Forest of Friendship and travel companion to Princess Shayna. Since the first edition of Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift (Princess Shayna) was published, thousands of parents, teachers, school counselors, therapists, and others with children in their lives have contacted the author to share how Princess Shayna has changed their lives. Through their journey with Princess Shayna and relating to the different characters and villages in the book, they discovered the value of family bonds, open lines of communication in a wide range of settings, their attributes and abilities, and thinking/learning styles.
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Princess Shayna – Chapter 3 “Precious Gifts”
When their daughter was eight days old, King Alexander and Queen Sylvia hosted a traditional Royal Baby Naming Celebration in the Royal Castle. To show their gratitude, the king and queen gave Sigmund the honor of selecting a name for princess.”Shayna is the name I am honored to give your daughter,” Sigmund said. “Shayna means ‘beautiful’ in my ancient Cush language. Princess Shayna is a beautiful and precious gift to you and the Kingdom of Kindness.”
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Princess Shayna – Chapter 4 “Silver Apricots”
While everyone in the Kingdom of Kindness rejoiced, Meevillain celebrated her ominous Cloud of Chaos that began shadowing the entire kingdom the moment Princess Shayna was born.”My Cloud of Chaos will create mistrust and misunderstanding in each village of the kingdom,” she promised. “The king and queen will attempt to help the villagers, the Royal Advisors will worry about the source of the Cloud of Chaos, and Sigmund the Royal Wizard will ponder solutions to solve the shadowing, but all their efforts will fail!”
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Princess Shayna Recipe of Healthy Self-esteem©
Sheila believe each child should be given the greatest gift one can give — the gift of self-esteem, because every child deserves to feel loved, safe, encouraged, and confident within a trustworthy home, school, and community environment!
Download and print Princess Shayna Recipe of Healthy Self-esteem© and share it with your loved ones.

Joshua’s Story – Thrills of Skydiving
A busy weekend for a 30-year-old jump-master Josh Glazov can mean 25 to 30 jumps, each time leaping out of a plane with a novice skydiver attached to him, for the 14,000-foot drop. Hooking his charge’s harness, the two of them descend using Glazov’s parachute.
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Free Falling
“Skydiving was like being reborn,” say Type 1, Josh Glazov, 30, of Chicago. “It established a purpose in my life and restored a goal to pursue. Before skydiving, life was something to be endured. After I began jumping, however, life was something to be enjoyed and cherished.”
Download Free Falling in PDF Format, or read the article in
Diabetes Health Magazine.