Blogging is like White Water Rafting
Blogging is like white water rafting… it looks like a grand “Orange Brain Adventure” and it can make you a little nervous.
I have a new blog and I am excited because now it is part of my new website, which only needs a few tweaks to make it complete. My web designer, publicist and I have been diligently working together. Our “Blue Brain Teamwork” has been essential and fun!
My “Blue Brain” also had to be considerate and email my subscribers from my previous blog site. I needed to give them a “Green Brain System” to subscribe to my new Word Press Blog.
My trustworthy blog mentor, Karen Hanrahan and my web designer, Jeff Lewis encouraged me to switch to this new format. I trust their advice, but I am a little nervous about this Word Press blog. I have never worked with this format before!! I feel like I am about to go white river rafting for the first time. Yikes, I’ve never done that before either. Maybe that could be something for my “bucket list”.
I know I need to be patient with myself and I trust my reader will also be patient with me. I also realized that I need to make a “Yellow Brain” check list and develop a simple “Green Brain” process that I can comfortably follow.
This lesson is a helpful reminder that whenever we have to learn something that is unfamiliar we need to be patient, ask for help and create simple guidelines to help us ride the white water rapids and not drown in the unknown.
Please Spread the Word

Welcome to the river. The water’s perfect — come on in 🙂
Laurie, PLEASE forgive this delayed response. I have been swamped with projects that haved distracted me from my blogging.
Now, I am ready to ride the rapids again. Thank you for your encouraging words and patience.