Do You Understand, Know How to Deal With, and Prevent Bully Behavior?

Bully Behavior Increasing Sadly we are seeing a rise in Bully Behavior. Today’s blog post is about the 4 Brain Color Personalities, how to recognize Bully Behavior, how each Brain Color Personality feels when bullied, and how individuals can courageously deal with and redirect Bully Behavior. Who Is Involved In Bully Behavior? Below are the…

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Are you listening to me?

What is listening? Listening is the act of paying attention and understanding the meaning of what an individual is communicating. There are three types of listening:1. Active listening: To pay attention to the verbal and non-verbal cues to understand the message that is being conveyed.2. Empathetic listening: Create an emotional connection with the person who is speaking to…

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I Became An “Author Orphan”!!

An “Author Orphan” On April 10th, I was shocked to learn that my publisher, since 2006, was closing their book department. I had just become an “Author Orphan”. I felt like an orphan who does not have any surviving parent to care for them. I no longer had a publisher to take care of me…

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More Hassle-Free Holidays Tips for Harmonious Preparations and Celebrations!

Holiday Season During the holiday season, do you ever wonder why some individuals in your personal and/or professional life resemble people on a Disney World dream vacation brochure or on the “most wanted” listings at your local post office? Brain Color Tips You can enjoy your family members, colleagues, and friends during the holiday season with…

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Share Your Smile with Others

A gift from my beloved mother About 25 years ago, my mother gifted me a poem entitled SMILE. My mother had a beautiful smile that complimented her lovely face and beautiful auburn red hair. I have always been grateful and happy that I inherited the red hair gene from my mother. Now, that my hair…

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Helpful “Stress Less” Shopping Holiday Tips

Holiday Tips This year Chanukh and Christmas are on the same day. A time for everyone to celebrate togethers. However, for some people the holiday season is a time for stress before and during the holidays. I have written several Brain Color Tips from my What Color Is Your Brain? book to help you understand how each Brain…

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Be Thankful! A Beautiful Poem of Gratitude

Thanksgiving Around the World At this time of year, Americans take time to focus on what they are thankful and grateful for as we prepare and celebrate our National Thanksgiving Holiday. Germany, Japan, Canada, Grenada, Liberia, the Netherlands, and the Norfolk Islands are 7 countries that also enjoy a Thanksgiving celebration. Thankful and Grateful Brain…

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Stress Less With Brain Color Personality Holiday Tip #1

Stress Less Holiday Tips From the decorations in our neighborhoods and communities, the adds in the newspaper and online, and comments like: “Yikes, I’m already stressing out!”, I think the Holiday Season has begun. To help you enjoy the season of celebrations a little more hassle-free, my “Blue Brain” thought it would be helpful to post…

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World Diabetes Day and the Dangers of Statins!!

World Diabetes Day 2024 Today is an opportunity to raise awareness about diabetes, which is a deadly world-wide public health issue. Health care needs to to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and management of this 24/7 and “never get a break” or remission disease. Why I am writing this I am writing this blog post because…

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Be Inspired… Believe “It Can Be Done!”

An Inspirational Poem Today, I want to share one of my favorite poems, which our Girls Summer Camp Direct, Miss Minnie A. Cohen (of blessed memory), often read to the campers during our Mac-Do Lodge awards campfires, on Sunday evenings. Who Is Inspired This poem has inspired me, my family members, friends, and clients for…

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How I Discovered A Precious Treasure!

Searching for a document Last week, I was searching for a document that I thought was in a folder in my Princess Shayna files in my office. When I looked in the file drawer, I did not find the document. Instead, I found a multitude of folders filled with “Thank you” notes and letters. It…

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Wondering How To Make Your Business More Successful?

Publishing Anniversary I am delighted to announce that this week is the 6th Publising Anniversary of my 6th book: No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense): 50 Timely and Timeless Truths Business School Cannot Teach You! This book is a tribute to my parents and is a family business memoir. An Appropriate Quote “I wish companies…

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