Author’s Green Brain Returns to Blogging

My Green Brain finally has returned to blogging after a hiatus of 6 weeks.  The holiday season seemed to whiz by and into a grand beginning to the New Year!

January was focused on writing a lovely picture book version of Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift. Utilizing my Green Brain to synthesize the 15 chapters into shorter picture book pages, including the beautiful illustrations from the original book, was an exercise of patience and sequential logic. I am delighted with the final product and my publisher has given me permission to publish this sweet book for early readers on Amazon’s CreateSpace.

My Green Brain was also  immersed in the development of an new and exciting What Color Is Your Brain?/Princess Shayna” Program for all the
1st -5th graders at Elm Elementary School in Burr Ridge, Illinois. I am eager to share all the remarkable details with you in a few weeks. 

In the mist of all this Green Brain writing my computer passed away. Luckily, Rob Pabich, The Computer Guy in Woodstock, Illinois masterfully brought my computer back to life so all the data could be transferred to my new computer.

Needless to say, I have a lot of catching up to do. So this post will be short. However, I have a lot of news to share with you, once my Yellow Brain gets caught up with all the tasks on my extensive to-do list. Stay tuned!

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