Author Incognito, a Scholar In Residence and Brain Color Teacher for Families with Diabetes and Project Managers

My Sincere Blue Brain apologies for not staying in touch with those of you who read my blog. Many people at 70 years of age are no longer working. However, I love presenting my programs and writing my books. I feel blessed with so many grand opportunities! For the last month I have been incognito! Many years ago, my husband received a call from one of his colleagues’ daughters. She asked if my husband knew were her father was. My husband replied, “He is incognito.” She replied, “Were is cognito?” No, I have not been mysteriously hiding “in cognito!”

My Yellow Brain had been preparing for a variety of What Color Is Your Brain? Programs; my Blue Brain enjoyed meeting so many delightful adults and children; my Green Brain had been editing What Color Is Your Brain?®:When Caring for Patients.; and my Orange Brain had been traveling and having fun presenting the programs. Below is the “Brainbow” schedule that has kept me from blogging.

1. March 7th – 8:30am-2:30pm
What Color Is Your “Tween/Teen” Brain?® at the annual South Jersey JDRF TypeOneNation symposium in Mount Laurel at the Enterprise Center.
I am honored to be a member and sit on the Board of Chancellors of this amazing JDRF chapter!

2. March 27th – 7:00pm – Shabbat Service What Color Is Your “Tikkun Olam – To Heal the World” Brain?® Sermon for the Scholar in Residence Weekend hosted by Adath Emanu-El Synagogue in Mount Laurel, NJ.

3 & 4. March 28th – 10:30am & 12:45pm
What Color Is Your Brain?®: Family Communication and Diabetes Workshops at the Living Well With Diabetes: Now and in the Future Conference hosted by the Diabetes Center for Children at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) in Philadelphia, PA.

5. March 28th – 7:00pm to 9:30pm
What Color Is Your “Tikkun Olam -To Heal the World” Brain?® Interactive Workshop for the Scholar in Residence Program at Adath Emanu-El Synagogue

6. March 29th – 9:45am to 11:00am
What Color Is Your “Family Celebration” Brain?® – Interactive Workshop for the Scholar in Residence Program at Adath Emanu-El Synagogue

All three events at the Adath Emanu-El Synagogue were warm and welcoming. We told everyone, “If we still lived in Cherry Hill, New Jersey we would definitely be members of your lovely congregation!” Everyone was extraordinarily kind, helpful and thoughtful, especially the members of the Life Long Learning Committee and the Rabbi David who planned and organized the memorable Scholar in Residence Weekend!

Today, April 08, 2015
5:30pm CDT to 9:00 PM CDT
What Color Is Your “Project Manager” Brain?® hosted by the PMI Chicagoland Chapter at a Dinner Meeting at Chevy Chase Country Club in Wheeling, IL.

I may be “partial incognito” until the end of May presenting more What Color Is Your Brain? Programs and completing the final revisions of What Color Is Your Brain?®:When Caring for Patients.

Stay tuned there is much more to come…  

Cheerleader for Purr-fect Pals blogBoost your Brain Power with more links in the right-hand side column of this page!
I allocate 100% of the Royalties for Purr-fect Pals and 10% of the Royalties from the sale of my other books to
JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)!


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  1. penelope steiner on April 8, 2015 at 4:59 pm

    Dear Sheila,
    Many of us are not “wired to be retired”; reinvention is age-defying, exhilarating, rejuvenating!
    Cheers to you; keep those colorful wheels churning. XO Penelope

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