August Back to School BrainBuzz Newsletter

Does your Blue Brain feel like it has been a SHORT HOT SUMMER?

It is hard to believe that summer season is almost over and children are going back to school in the next few week.

To help you enjoy the last few weeks of  the summer season, my August BrainBuzz Newsletter features the following students, school, summer, business sense and Princess Shayna articles:

Back to School Creative Brain Color Learning Environments
Enjoy read my Green Brain Research that explains how our Brain Colors are influenced by our learning environments. Discover how individuals’ creative attributes and abilities must adapt to the different teaching environments/conditions when they are students in early learning childhood centers, primary grades, middle school grades, high school, and college or career settings. 

Brain Color Olympics!
Yellow Brain Olympians:
Commitment to their training and great pride to represent their countries
Blue Brain Olympians:
Collaboration with their team mates and camaraderie with their fellow Olympians
Green Brain Olympians: Think up strategies they utilize during their competition to win.
Orange Brain Olympians:
Compete to win individual or team medals, to perform at their best, and to achieve a world record!

No Bunk – Business Sense Blog: I am crowing about my new business blog series.

The new and amazing Princess Shayna the Musical Photo Album on my website!
The companion Teacher’s Activity Guide for Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift will be published in the near future.

Have fun reading!

Boost Your Brain Power with links on the right-hand side of the page!
Please, remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to
JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) .











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