Are you listening to me?

What is listening?
Listening is the act of paying attention and understanding the meaning of what an individual is communicating. There are three types of listening:
1. Active listening: To pay attention to the verbal and non-verbal cues to understand the message that is being conveyed.
2. Empathetic listening: Create an emotional connection with the person who is speaking to understand the intent of their message.
3. Critical listening: Analyze the speaker’s communication to develop an appropriate response.
Listening to the Brain Colors
● Yellow Brainers use “should” and/or “have to” when they are talking about themselves or others.
● Blue Brainers tell you how they “love” or “feel” about something or someone.
● Green Brainers respond with, “I’ll have to think about that.”
● Orange Brainers say, “That sounds like fun. What are we waiting for?”
11 Sincere listening skills
To improve your listening skills, I think it will be help for you to follow my dear family friend’s 11 Clues for Sincere Listening. Raymond Kayal Jr. is the CEO of Newslink Group, LLC, graciously shared the following skills with me, in preparation of a WCIYB?® program for his executive team and airport store team members.
11 Clues for Sincere Listening
1. Clear your mind of pre-conceived ideas
2. Discipline/force yourself to sincerely liste
3. Be objective, not emotional
4. Hear and pay attention what you are being told
5. Recognize there is something critically important in what is being said
6. Identify where the speaker wants to go in the conversation
7. Be aware to fish out and capture all the potential golden nugget ideas
8. Think and process
9. Articulate your perspective
10. Be open to a different POV (Point of View)
11. Concentrate on what you are listening to and don’t busy your brain with a premature answer
Closing thought
I trust these listening clues will help you improve your professional and personal relationships!
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