Announcing My New Business Book: “No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense)”
I am delighted to announce my new business book that is entitled:
No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense):
50 Timely and Timeless Truths Business School Cannot Teach You!
No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is not a Band-Aid for your business problems.
No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is a blueprint to achieve and maintain business success; it features 50 timely and timeless truths business school cannot teach you!
No Bunk, Just BS delivers straight talk, logical suggestions, and candid solutions for business owners, leaders, managers, and team members.
No Bunk, Just BS is easy to read, educational, and encouraging. It provides readers with insightful and mindful solutions that de-bunk impersonal and cynical attitudes and trendy jargon, and teaches and restores uncomplicated business sense, satisfaction, and success in the workplace.
No Bunk, Just BS offers readers authentic and time-tested business knowledge and proficiencies that cannot be learned in business school. This anthology consists of 5 chapters. Each chapter includes 10 sensible anecdotes and adages, mindful acknowledgements and advice, and motivating stories and quotes that are prophetic and perpetual.
The No Bunk, Just BS chapters follow a logical sequence that helps readers develop, attain, and preserve their business success. The chapters include life-long lessons and fundamental business concepts for people who have never been taught applicable business know-how and skills. For seasoned individuals who desire a refresher for their business knowledge there are constructive and practical tips to:
- Grow their business
- Promote exemplary and respectful leadership
- Value and encourage exceptional employees and teamwork
- Provide extraordinary customer service and client care
- Offer excellent products and services
- Achieve and maintain success
The No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) publication date is scheduled for September.
I will be posting No Bunk updates every week!
Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!
10% of royalties from the sale of No Bunk will be allocated to JDRF.
Please Spread the Word

Hi Sheila,
No retirement for you. You are my idol. Sounds like your new book will be another winner for you. I found what I read smart, engaging and wanting me to read more. Good luck with it.
Dear Helene, please forgive this delayed reply. I just saw your comment as I was about to write another post. So sorry! Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. You are correct. No retirement in the near future. My Blue Brain keeps popping more book ideas! With warmest regards and sweet Cherry Hill memories, Sheila
I’m looking forward to No Bunk’s release–About one of my very favorite role models and written by one of my very favorite authors!
Dear George, I just saw this comments. Thank you for your kind and “love”ly words! I am also looking forward to the book release! Thank you for your encouragement! Love, Sheila