American Idol Brain Colors
Many routines have changed in our home, since our son and his family have moved home from Brazil. When Noah and Kelly lived in Brazil they watch American Idol as an entertaining connection to the US. They now have my husband, Jordan, and I hooked on the show.
The beginning auditions were amusing, bordering on the ridiculous and hilarious. Now, we are curiously eager to watch the talented final contestants and their performances. However, we do question the voting process. The show never offers information about how the votes are counted and tallied. Our “Green Brains” are curious???
Of course, I began to study the contestants’ Brain Colors and immediately deciphered the four judges personalities.
Kara DioGuardi is the “Yellow Brainer.” She is concerned with each contestant’s appropriate vocal techniques and training. She politely critiques the contestants and seems to organize her thoughts carefully before she speaks.
Paula Abdul is the “Blue Brainer.” She consistently has something nice to say about each contestant , their clothes, songs and performance. Paula becomes emotionally involved, to the point of tears, and encourages with motherly advice.
Simon Cowell is the “Green Brainer.” His critiques are quick and to the point about what the industry requires. Simon is known for his brutally honest comments. His compliments are few and compared to his fellow panelist. He is the judge viewers love to hate.
Randy Jackson is the “Orange Brainer.” He is the most hip and entertaining personality on the panel. Randy is animated, speaks to the contestants on their level and brings humor and a unique energy to the panel and the program.
The contestants are an interesting “Brainbow” blending of personality types. In my opinion, they all have a high “Orange Brain” ranking or they would not be in the competition.
Next time you watch the show, take note of how the contestants handle the judges critiques. Their behavior demonstrates their other Brain Colors.
1. The “Yellow Brainers” defend performance, especially their “right” song choices.
2. The “Blue Brainers” become emotional with positive and negative comments.
3. The “Green Brainers” want to know more information to improve their performance.
4. The “Orange Brainers” take a risk and respond to the judges comments, even if they disagree.
Enjoy the contestants’ and judges’ color-filled performances!
Sheila N. Glazov, Author and Personality Type Expert who offers workshop, keynote and training programs.
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops.
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american idol kara dioguardi paula abdul simon cowell randy jackson brain colors Turbo Tagger
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