A Spring Gift
Yesterday, was a perfect Spring day in Chicago… a gentle warm breeze painted palate blue and white above us. Our crabapple trees, pregnant with buds, are about to proudly deliver their pink blossoms, the daffodils and jonquils were trumpeting bursts of yellow, white and orange, and our magnolia bush swayed with a sweetly delicate aroma.
My husband, Jordan, and I began our day with a brisk morning walk through our neighborhood. Then we shared breakfast on our porch, where we discussed our “Yellow Brain” list of gardening project we were eager to accomplish.
First, we re-configured the fencing around my vegetable garden to accommodated the planting area we decided to re-design. Next, we cleaned the bird houses, removed the snow stakes (yippee!), refilled the bird feeders, fertilized several trees, and inspected other gardens and flower beds to see what needed to be transplanted or removed.
Last, was a trip to the hardware store to purchase new chicken wire to keep the “Peter Rabbits” out of veggie garden, which I’m looking forward to planting in a few weeks!
The day ended as joyfully as it began, with a gentle and refreshing rain shower and an evening concert of Big Band music preformed by the Elgin Symphony.
After a long Midwestern winter, our spring day was a gift!
Sheila N. Glazov, Author and Personality Type Expert who offers workshop, keynote and training programs.
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors, my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops.
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
yellow brainer spring chicago vegetable garden elgin symphony big band concert Turbo Tagger
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