A Red, White and Blue Brain 4th of July Celebration

This morning, Jordan and I drove our 1962 White Ford Falcon  (a replica of the car he picked me up in on our first date) over to our Tower Lakes Village 4th of July parade and festivities. We did not find the “Hordes of Humanity” riding on professionally created floats and zinging candy at bystanders. Joyfully, we experienced a charming multi-generational neighborhood holiday celebration! We felt as if we were characters in a Normal Rockwell  painting.

Welcome to the Tower Lakes 4th of July Parade!

The  Color-filled Cub Scout Float leading the parade…

A patriotic tike on his trike…

Neighbors gather for the flag raising ceremony…

The Flag Raising Ceremony, Pledge of Allegiance and singing of the National Anthem…

A young Betsy Ross explaining how she sewed the Stars and Stripes…

Our neighbor, “Proud Papa” Warren, in front of his Rocking Horse float, smiling about
his “Little Par’ner,” Garrett, and the Grand Celebration for Garrett’s 1st Birthday!

The “Bike Brigade” at rest, while their riders enjoyed food and fun at the 4th Festival!

We’re off to a “Concert in the Park”…

Enjoy a Happy and Safe 4th of July Weekend!

Sheila N. Glazov ~ Author ~ Speaker ~ Educator
Please, visit my website to learn more about your Brain Colors and
my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops.

Turbo Tagger

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