A Glazov Returns to Russia via Pravda

Today, I opened a Google News Alert and discovered a stunning surprise!

I clicked on the link and found an article entitled “Colour Theory May Help Parents to Understand Child Behaviour.” The article had been translated from the Portuguese version, which had appeared on the iG portal last week. The writer was,an independent journalist. Lisa also writes for Russiansentry Blog, which offers readers a fascinating perspective of world news.

Next to Lisa name I read PRAVDA.Ru the English version of Russian newspaper. My “Green Brain” could hardly process what I was reading. I had to read PRAVDA.Ru again to make sure I had read it correctly. Yes, it was Pravda the Russian News paper! To be absolutely sure I scrolled up the page until newspaper’s logo appeared, then my excitement exploded!

I’m sure my maternal grandmother who was born in Zhytomyr; my maternal grandfather who was born in Petefka (no longer on the map); and my father-in-law, who was born Alexandrovsk, and who’s last name pre-Ellis Island was Beloglazov (the same as Sergei and Anatoli, the famous twin brothers who were champion Olympic wrestlers) would all be shocked and delighted with this news. Just as I was.

I can just imagine my family members reading
the newspaper article and “Kvelling!”
(The Yiddish word for bursting with pride.)

Now, my family teases me and says,
“Were in the World is Sheila Glazov?,
instead of “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?”


Lisa, Thank you for returning a Glazov
to Russia via Pravda!

Sheila N. Glazov, Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
Take a Brain Color Quiz, and learn about my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops  
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) 

Please Spread the Word



  1. Mari on January 28, 2010 at 4:28 am

    Dear Sheila,
    This is such an extraordinary event. I had to read your post twice and click on the links to compute how extremely ironic and exciting is this virile return to the land of our ancestors. You are right: they’d be kvelling. The images you’ve used in this post are wonderful. (Praise, too, to the phenomena known as Google Alerts.)

  2. Sheila Glazov Author Speaker on January 28, 2010 at 9:57 pm

    Yes, was article was  amazing and I greatly appreciate Google Alerts. I could have missed this exciting news.  Glad you like the photos. They made me smile… However, I’m so happy my family members  were smart enough and able to leave wounded womb of Mother Russia. LIfe is busy and exciting I hope it is for you too. Lv, PS

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