A Committment Becomes A Dream Come True!

The Chicago weather over the weekend was filled with thunderstorms, dreary days and brisk winds. I decided it as perfect time for my Yellow Brain to de-clutter, clean out  and organize my office. I was thrilled when I found an old notebook filled with inspirational quotes.  The following resonated with my Blue Brain about my  Princess Shayna Musical dream coming true. I took “feminine” license with the quote:

“The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help that would never otherwise have occurred. A stream of event issues from the decisions, raising unforeseen incidents and meeting and material assistance, which no woman could have dreamt would have come her way.”

When have you experienced a moment of commitment that you would never have dreamt would come your way?

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Remember… only  13 more Days until the Princess Shayna Musical Performance!
10% of the royalties from the sale of Sheila’s
books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) .

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