A Beautiful and Fascinating Book Gift: “The Fine Art of Crochet”
On Tuesday, I received Gwen Blakley Kinsler’s Crochet Queen’s Royal Rambling blog post. Gwen was sharing information about her amazingly beautiful and well researched book, The Fine Art of Crochet, as a list minute Christmas Gift.
I wrote about Gwen in my previous blog post: I Am A Blue Brain Hooker Who Is Hooked On Crochet. It is a pleasure knowing Gwen who is the founder of the Crochet Guild of America. She also is a talented artist and delightfully generous woman.
I am an Green Brain voracious reader. Since, I had just finished reading a book and was looking for a new one, my Orange Brain could not resist an immediate download of the electronic version of The Fine Art of Crochet.
If you love to crochet, know someone who does, or you just want a beautiful and fascinating fine art book with copious Yellow Brain detailed information about the art and artists and gorgeous colorful photos as a Christmas or anytime gift, which your Blue Brain will love reading, this book is for you!
I guarantee you will be hooked! Just like my crochet project… I cannot put it down!
Boost your Brain Power with links in the right-hand side column of this page! Please remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).
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