5th Grade Enrichment Student’s Discover their “Praiseworthy Gifts” during my 3rd Author School Visit

Last Friday, January 24th, I enjoyed my 3rd Author School Visit to the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Elementary School in BuffaloEdited Study Book Grove, Illinois. I was looking forward to working Laura Newcomer’s 5th grade Skills Block (Enrichment) class because they have read the first third of my children’s Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift for their novel/book study unit.

Before the children begin to read about the 4 Brain Color Villages in the Kingdom of Kindness (the Village of the Yellow Sunflowers, the Village of the Blue Forget-Me-Nots, the Village of the Green Healing Herbs, and the Village of the Orange Tiger Lilies) Mrs. Newcomer and I wanted the students to discuss understand the meaning of Princess Shayna’s Precious Gifts in Chapter 3. The student’s responses were accurate and thoughtful!

Then I asked the student’s to share their definitions of Praiseworthy Gifts. I loved their thought-provoking comments: “accomplishment”, “applause”, “abilities” and “talents”. Then Mrs. Newcomer handed out the Praiseworthy Gift Figure page from my Teacher’s Activity Guide for “Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift” and gave the class their directions to color and decorate the figure and space on the page with words and/or pictures of their Praiseworthy Gifts, which were attributes and abilities they are proud of and like about themselves.

Mrs. Newcomer also gave the class Yellow Organized/Green Systematic directions: “Use a pencil first and then color in the page.” Laura directions edited

The following photos are examples of each Brain Color Perspective and Personality:

Yellow Brainers made sure they were following Yellow Brainers Edited Mrs. Newcomer directions.



Blue Brainers shared their ideas with one another while they were drawing.
Blue Bainers #2 Edited Blue Brainers #3 Blue Brainers



Green Brainers worked independently and looked up words in the dictionary.
Green Brainers #2 Green Brainers PG Green Brainers#1



Orange Brainers
had lots of fun and were the students to complete their drawings!
Orange Brainers



Mrs. Newcomer’s and my Yellow Brain Lesson Plan for my 4th visit (depending on our frigid Chicago weather) will have the children share about their Praiseworthy Gift drawings. Then the other students will add more Brain Color attributes and abilities, from their perspective, to each others’ praiseworthy works of art! This Cooperative Learning Group Activity will help the students understand that how you see yourself may not be how others see you and your Brain Colors.

Stayed tune and warm…

snowman kid drawing lifing weightsBoost your Brain Power with links in the right-hand side column of this page! Remember that 10% of the royalties from the sale of my books is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation).

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  1. penelope steiner on January 28, 2014 at 7:55 pm

    Sheila, a MUST See for all over the age of the age of 10 is the documentary “Paper Clips” filmed in 2004 or 7; a middle school in a small town in Tennessee starts a project collecting 6 million paperclips to comprehend the Holocaust atrosity. Inspirational< Penelope

    • sheila on February 5, 2014 at 3:52 pm

      Dear P. I will look into the documentary. I did read several newspaper article about the paper clip collection. I will be sure to share the film with Mrs. Newcomer.

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