4 Ways to Recognize and Deal with People’s Difficult “Shadowed” Behavior and Personality.
We all have experienced difficult people professionally and personally. Recently, I experienced a difficult person who I thought of as a Meevillian.
Meevillain is the Princess of the Forest of Fear in my Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift, which is the children’s fairy tale version of What Color Is Your Brain?®.
Meevillain is the “shadowed” side of everyone’s personality. I created the name Meevillain by dividing the word into three sections that refer to our “shadowed” behavior.
- When we are disappointed, upset, and angry, any of us can become focused on ourselves and how we were wronged. That is the “Me.”
- Often, when we experience angry feelings, we can engage in “evil” actions toward others and/or ourselves.
- Then we become a “villain” to ourselves and others.
Below are example of Meevillain behavior and how to let people know you appreciate them when they are not “shadowed“.
A Yellow Brain Meevillain behavior and personality is demonstrated by feeling out of control and being rigid about the rules.
Let people know what is expected of them and acknowledge their strong sense of responsibility when they are not “shadowed“.
A Blue Brain Meevillain behavior and personality is demonstrated by over reacting emotionally and making themselves the martyr.
Let people know they are good listeners and give them the opportunity to share their feelings when they are not “shadowed“.
A Green Brain Meevillain behavior and personality is demonstrated by ignoring others and acting in a condescending manner.
Let people know that you appreciate their problem solving skills and respect their privacy when they are not “shadowed“.
An Orange Brain Meevillain behavior and personality is demonstrated by breaking the rules and exploding emotionally.
Let people know you appreciate their adventurous attitude and competitive skills when they are not “shadowed.”
I trust this information will help you recognize and deal with Meevilain behavior in yourself and other and how to show appreciation when your personality and other people’s personalities are not “shadowed”.
My family business memoir, No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is available on Amazon.com.
Remember: 10% of royalties from the sale of No Bunk will be allocated to JDRF.
Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter, #7 Your Romantic Relationships, from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my homepage!
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