3 Terrific Tips To Keep Your To Do List Organized
Timely Time Management Tips is the new LinkedIn Group I decided to join, last week. I needed some tips to keep my life, writing projects, and my Blue Brain more Yellow and Organized. The 2nd discussion messages I received was from Linda Clevenger. Linda’s post What To Do To Get Organized was simple, efficient and easy to implement into my professional and personal life.
The focus of Linda’s post was: “The 3 To Do Categories to get yourself organized are Have To Do, Need To Do and Want To Do. Identifying your categories will help you keep focused to reach specific goals.”
I immediate revised my daily calendar with those three categories in mind.
A huge “Thank You!” to Linda for my new Green Brain Logical “To Do” perspective. Now I have time for more Orange Fun!
I hope you will find Linda’s post Blue and Helpful as I have!
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