2nd Author School Visit with Enrichment Students reading “Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift”
This past week, I enjoyed my 2nd Author School Visit to the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Elementary School in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. I am working with Laura Newcomer’s 5th grade Skills Block (Enrichment) class. The students have begun an exciting new novel/book study unit and reading my children’ book, Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift.
As the students read Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift, they will visit the four Brain Color villages, determine where they would best fit in, discover and learn about their own and their classmates’ different personality types, participate in educational activities, and enjoy group discussions with each other and with me.
Mrs. Newcomer generously wrote a foreword and contributed copious activities to my Teacher’s Activity Guide for “Princess Shayna’s Invisible Visible Gift”. At the beginning of the study unit, Mrs. Newcomer had each student take the Student’s Brain Color Quiz in the teacher’s activity guide to determine their Brain Colors.
When Laura asked the students how they should be grouped at their cooperative learning tables, they all said, “With the same Brain Colors.” The students’ Brain Colors demonstrate that they were almost equally divided:
5 Yellow Brain Students who learn best when they feel prepared and are given clear direction
6 Blue Brain Students who learn best with visual aids and sharing ideas with classmates
6 Green Brain Students who learn best by working independently with books and computers
8 Orange Brain Students who learn best with a variety of hands-on activities and competition
Laura and I were excited that the students set themselves up for opportunities to recognize how the villagers in the Kingdom of Kindness separated themselves from one another. They did not realize that they had given us copious and perfect teachable moments to help them learn how to appreciate and accept differences and understand that each student is a beautiful “Brainbow” blending of his or her Brain Colors and Praiseworthy Gifts.
During my first visit, it was most rewarding to watch the six students, who were part of the school district’s enrichment Problem Solving Investigation class two years ago, expertly at as Village Emissaries and explain the different Brain Color behaviors, attributes, and abilities to their classmates. My Yellow Brain was so proud of them!
During my 2nd visit, the children asked me questions from the journals they had made. Every child had time to ask me one question. Edited Journal Some of the were:
1. How long it took to write the book?
2. How was the book published and illustrated?
3. How I created the characters?
4. Were any of the characters real? My answers came from the back-story on my website.
Three of the children were remarkable editors/proof readers.
1. Cory who is an Blue/Orange Brainer noticed a misspelling. The word caring, on page 28, should be carrying. I told Cory he was a precise Green Brain editor and that he was the only one who found that error. The two previous professional editors had not found the misspelling.
2. Nika who is a Yellow/Green Brainer said that Sarah Spundah was missing the “h” at the end of Spunda”h” on a page, but we couldn’t find the page again. I told Nika she was a watchful Green Brain editor and was sure her Yellow/Green editing skills would find the misspelling again, when I return to class.
3. Kaley who is a Green/Blue Brainer said that she wondered about 1st the question for Chapter 3 – Precious Gifts in the Gift Givers Guide. The questions read: “If you had a choice, which or Princess Shayna’s gifts would you choose and why?” Kaley thought the question could also read: Which Precious Gift would you choose for yourself? or Which Precious Gift would you choose to give the baby princess? I thanked Kaley and told her I appreciated her creative Blue Brain ideas.
Each week, I will be visiting the students and Mrs. Newcomer and I will be writing updates about their Princess Shayna progress in future blog posts and in BrainBuzz Newsletters. If you would like more information about my Author School Visit Programs in person or via the Internet, please send me an email at sheila@sheilaglazov.com or call me at 847.526.9039.
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