2009 Life’s Lessons Learned
When I read Robert Hruzek post about his “What I Learned from 2009 Writing Project,” on his “Middle Zone Musing” Blog, I decided to take Robert up on his generous offer to share my musings. Robert, Thank you for the reflective writing opportunity.
2009 was a bountiful year of “Joyful Chaos,” which was my response when anyone asked, “How are you?”. It all began when our entrepreneurial son, his remarkable Brazilian wife and our “delicious” granddaughter moved back to Chicago from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Our “Brazilians” moved in with us on October 27, 2008, our precious grandson was born on February 2, 2009, and 15 months later, on December 13, 2009, they moved into their lovely new home (happily only 8 minutes away from our home).
Life dramatically changed when the Brazilians arrived. I did not work, write, blog, exercise, garden, read, sleep, relax or enjoy motorcycle rides as much as I had BTB (Before The Brazilians). However, the most significant and indelible “Life Lesson” I learned was: Having peace in my heart and no regrets about not enough time for myself, keeping joy in our home and being grateful for the blessings and chaos my husband and I shared during our “once in a live time, never come again moments” with our children and grandchildren. Our memories are a cherished gift.
Below are 12 additional life lessons I learned (and sometimes re-learned) during 2009.
January: Best Wishes President Obama
Pride inAmerica. I was thrilled to witness the historic swearing in of our
44th President on January 20, 2009.
February: A Grand Birthday Gift
Copious gratitude.There were no words for the “song in my heart,” when I saw my birthday gift,especially knowing that our grandson was healthy and perfect, and his mommy wasrecovering well!
March: A Memorial for My Father
Peace in your heart.A poem to offer comfort to those who have felt the gaping hole in their heartwhen a loved one passes.
April: The W
eight of Winter
Lesson:Thanks to Mother Nature. Poetry in the snow
May: My Website Hiatus
Lesson: Take a hiatus from blogging. I focused my time andenergy on re-designing my website to be fun and interactive, including 6 Brain Color Quizzes.
June: Men, Women,Careers and Brain Colors
Respect different Points of View. Fascinating statistics about men and women,
their “Brain Color” personalities and careers.
July: Diabetes Research Vaccine
Lesson: Keep working to find a cure. When I was child, Polio was the frightening epidemic that spread across America. Now, we are experiencing another epidemic in the US. and world-wide … Diabetes.
August:You Mindset and Brain Colors
Lesson:The wonders of the human brain. Fascinating brain research and an A+ book review.
September: Kiddieland Closing
Lesson: “Thanks for the Memories.” Paying our family respects to a family tradition!
October: Mindful Meditations
Lesson: Reflection. A contemplative perspective about life.
November: Book Celebration in Brazil
Lesson: Be patient. We celebrated the publication of my What Color Is Your Brain? book, as if we had traveled to Rio for Carnival!
December: Holiday Celebration Tips
Lesson: Stress Less, Shop Smarter, Celebrate More and Laugh Often!
Helpful and Colorful Holiday suggestions for my readers.
Sheila N. Glazov, Author, Personality Type Expert, Professional Speaker and Educator
Take a Brain Color Quiz, and learn about my What Color Is Your Brain? book and workshops
10% of the royalties from the sale of my book is allocated to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
Please Spread the Word

Wonderful recap of the year gone by – I love the reference to BTB – tooo funny!!
I”m catching up. I always appreciate your comment. Sorry, this is so late. Glad you liked BTB. It works for me on many loving levels.