10 Clues for Sincere Listening to Improve Your Communication Skills
This afternoon, I was researching a photo to use for an appropriate slide in new What Color Is Your Brain? presentation. I clicked on Google Images and typed “people listening senior” in the search space. To my surprise, most of the photo were seniors wearing headphones, ear buds, or holding a boom box. It seems that people are plugged into electronics, instead of what another adult or child is saying to them.
Do you ever feel that people are physically hearing what you are saying, but not listening to what you are saying? We all have experienced the feeling of not being listened to with sincerely with co-workers, family members, friends, salespeople, servers in restaurants, and the list could possibly go on forever. Below are examples of what each Brain Color Personality listens for in a conversation.
Yellow Brainers listen for detailed information.
Blue Brainers listen for personal stories.
Green Brainers listen for the precise facts.
Orange Brainers listen for fun ideas.
While I was preparing for a leadership and a teambuilding building program for Newslink Group, LLC employees, I interviewed Raymond Kayal, Jr., the Chief Executive Officer and President of the company. Raymond shared his 10 Clues for Sincere Listening with me. Raymond has generously and graciously given me permission to share his 10 Clues for Sincere Listening in my books and programs.
10 Clues for Sincere Listening by Raymond Kayal, Jr.
1. Clear your mind of pre-conceived ideas
2. Discipline yourself to listen sincerely (honestly, truly, truthfully, wholeheartedly, earnestly)
3. Be objective, not emotional
4. Hear and pay attention what you are being told
5. Recognize there is something critically important in what is being said
6. Identify where the speaker wants to go in the conversation
7. Be aware to fish out and capture all the potential golden nugget ideas
8. Think and process
9. Articulate your perspective
10. Be open to a different POV (Point of View)
11. Concentrate on what you are listening to and don’t busy your brain with a premature answer
I am confident you will benefit from Raymond’s ideas to improve your listening and communication skills in your workplace, at home, and in your school, and community.
Boost your Brain Power and Discover your Brain Colors! Don’t forget about the FREE Chapter, #7 “Your Romantic Relationships,” from my original What Color Is Your Brain?® book, which you will receive when you sign up for my new Sheila’s Brain Blog section at the bottom of my home page!
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